STG, Law, Juris Doctor / Economics, Master of Arts

STG JD / Eco MA: Introduction


The Combined Degree Program (CDP): STG, Law, Juris Doctor / Economics, Master of Arts is designed for students who intend to pursue careers in areas that require some sophistication in economics, such as competition policy, commercial contracting, mergers and acquisitions, business organization, tax policy, environmental law, and international trade regulation.

The CDP permits the completion of both the Juris Doctor (JD) program and the eight-month MA program in three years rather than the four years it would take to acquire the degrees independently. (Note that this program cannot be combined with any of the collaborative specializations.)

For a general description of CDPs, see General Regulations section 1.4.3.


Law, Juris Doctor / Economics, Master of Arts

Juris Doctor Program
Faculty of Law

Master of Arts in Economics Program
Department of Economics

STG JD / Eco MA: Application Process

  • Applicants must apply to the Juris Doctor (JD) program, the Economics MA program, and the CDP.

  • Applicants are considered for the CDP after they have secured independent admission to the JD and MA programs.

  • Applicants admitted to both the JD and MA must inform both programs of their status and request admission to the CDP.

    • Applicants may also be considered for the CDP while they are in Year 1 of the JD program. Interested students should contact the Faculty of Law about this before applying to the CDP.

STG JD / Eco MA: Requirements

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the JD program, the School of Graduate Studies, and the MA program.

Academic Path to Completion

Every CDP involves a specific combination of approved degree programs. The CDP requirements build on those of the two separate degree programs. Each CDP has a unique pattern of academic activity year by year.

YearProgressionSpecific Requirements
  • Year 1 JD program requirements.
  • Complete all Year 1 courses of the JD program at the Faculty of Law.
2, 3, and 4
  • JD program requirements.
  • MA program requirements.
  • Complete 45 JD credits including a perspective course, a moot (compulsory or competitive), and an international/comparative/transnational (ICT) perspective course.
  • Complete ECO1010H Mathematics and Statistics for MA and MFE Students (0.5 full-course equivalent [FCE]) plus 3.0 FCEs toward the MA program requirements including ECO1100H, ECO1200H, ECO1400H, and ECO1950H.
  • In Year 2, complete a minimum of 2.5 FCEs in economics, including ECO1010H (note that this course starts in mid-August, three weeks earlier than other Fall courses in Economics).

Program Length

3 years

Time Limit

4 years