UTSC, Global Environmental Change (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science / Master of Environmental Science

UTSC Glbl Env Change (Spec) HBSc / MEnvSc: Introduction


The Combined Degree Program (CDP): UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Global Environmental Change / Master of Environmental Science (MEnvSc) is designed for students interested in studying the intersections of environmental sciences with professional experiential preparation in emerging environmental challenges.

Students earn an honours bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) and a Master of Environmental Science degree. Distinct advantages include:

  • early application to the MEnvSc program (in Year 3) and conditional admission to the MEnvSc program;

  • addressing demand from undergraduate students for further training in order to improve their level of competence as environmental practitioners; and

  • the opportunity to enrol in the MEnvSc program in the Summer session between Years 4 and 5 in order to complete either a two-month academic or internship training, in addition to the mandatory four-month academic or internship opportunity completed by students in the MEnvSci program alone.

This CDP permits the completion of both degrees in five years with 1.0 credit (full-course equivalent [FCE]) that may be counted towards both the undergraduate and graduate degrees.

For a general description of CDPs, see General Regulations section 1.4.3.


UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Global Environmental Change / Master of Environmental Science
Web: utsc.calendar.utoronto.ca/combined-degree-programs-honours-bachelor-science-master-environmental-science

Honours Bachelor of Science Program
University of Toronto Scarborough
Email: cdp.utsc@utoronto.ca

Master of Environmental Science Program
University of Toronto Scarborough
Web: www.utsc.utoronto.ca/physsci/master-environmental-science-overview
Email: dpes-menvsc-program.utsc@utoronto.ca

UTSC Glbl Env Change (Spec) HBSc / MEnvSc: Application Process

  • Applicants must apply to the Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc) program, the MEnvSc program, and the CDP.

  • Qualified students in Year 3 of their HBSc degree program apply to the MEnvSc program; those accepted will receive a conditional offer to start the MEnvSc program upon completion of their HBSc program and degree requirements.

UTSC Glbl Env Change (Spec) HBSc / MEnvSc: Requirements

Minimum Admission Requirements

To be considered for conditional admission to the MEnvSc program and the CDP, applicants must meet the following admission requirements:

  • Be admitted to the HBSc degree program and the Global Environmental Change specialist program.
  • Meet the admission requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and the MEnvSc program.
  • Be enrolled full-time and in good standing in the HBSc program:
    • Have a B+ average (cumulative grade point average [CGPA] of 3.3) or higher in Year 2.
    • Carry a full course load of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) each year (i.e., complete a minimum of 5.0 FCEs over the three academic sessions [Fall, Winter, Summer]).
  • Complete the following undergraduate courses (1.5 FCEs) as part of the HBSc degree requirements:
    • EESC24H3 Advanced Reading (can be taken in Year 3 of the HBSc program).
    • EESD10Y3 Research Project in Environmental Science.

To be given full, unconditional admission to the MEnvSc program, applicants must meet the following admission requirements:

  • Maintain a B+ average (CGPA of 3.3) or higher in their final year of study in the HBSc program or over upper-level (C- and D-level) courses.
  • Achieve at least a grade of B– in both of the graduate courses taken in Year 4 of undergraduate study, chosen in consultation with the graduate program supervisor, as indicated below for each MEnvSc field:
    • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation field: EES1133H Climate Change Science and Modelling plus an additional 0.5 FCE.
    • Conservation and Biodiversity field: EES3002H Conservation Policy plus an additional 0.5 FCE.
    • Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems field: 1.0 FCE.
  • Be conferred with the HBSc degree.

Academic Path to Completion

Every CDP involves a specific combination of approved degree programs. The CDP requirements build on those of the two separate degree programs. Each CDP has a unique pattern of academic activity year by year.

YearProgressionSpecific Requirements
1 to 3
  • HBSc degree requirements.
  • The undergraduate degree will include the specialist in Global Environmental Change.
  • By the end of Year 3, students will select one of the three fields of study within the MEnvSc program at the time of application:
    • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation;
    • Conservation and Biodiversity; or
    • Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems.
  • By the end of Year 4, fulfil both the undergraduate program requirements and undergraduate degree requirements, including specific undergraduate courses for the CDP.
  • In Year 4, complete 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) in graduate courses.
  • Students who receive a conditional offer of admission to the CDP must complete the following undergraduate courses:
    • EESC24H3 Advanced Reading (0.5 FCE) and
    • EESD10Y3 Research Project in Environmental Science (1.0 FCE).
  • Students must complete 1.0 FCE in graduate courses, chosen in consultation with the graduate program supervisor, as follows:
    • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation field: EES1133H Climate Change Science and Modelling (0.5 FCE) plus an elective (0.5 FCE);
    • Conservation and Biodiversity field: EES3002H Conservation Policy (0.5 FCE) plus an elective (0.5 FCE);
    • Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems field: 1.0 FCE.
Optional registration in the Summer session prior to Year 5
  • Optional two-month academic or internship training.
  • EES4001H Internship Training 1 (0.5 FCE) or EES4003H Academic Training 1 (0.5 FCE).
  • Remaining courses from Year 1 and Year 2 of the MEnvSc program.
  • Students registered in the optional Summer academic or internship training must complete 4.0 FCEs as follows:
    • coursework (2.0 FCEs) and internship (2.0 FCEs) or
    • coursework (2.5 FCEs) and research paper (1.5 FCEs).
  • Students not registered in the optional Summer academic or internship training must complete 4.5 FCEs as follows:
    • internship option: coursework (2.5 FCEs) and internship (2.0 FCEs) or
    • research option: coursework (3.0 FCEs) and research paper (1.5 FCEs).