Faculty Affiliation
Arts and Science
Degree Programs
MA and PhD
- Fields:
- Language Variation;
- Psycholinguistics;
- Theoretical Linguistics
Collaborative Specializations
The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:
- Jewish Studies
- Linguistics, PhD
- Sexual Diversity Studies
- Linguistics, MA, PhD
The discipline of linguistics focuses on the nature of human language and how its many systems can be accounted for. The Department of Linguistics focuses on three major areas — theoretical linguistics, language variation and change, and psycholinguistics — with an emphasis on the intersections between these areas.
The core areas of research and teaching in the MA and PhD are:
Theoretical Linguistics (generative grammar: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics)
Language Variation (sociolinguistics, dialectology, language variation, language change)
Psycholinguistics (comprehension and production, language acquisition, both in relation to linguistic theory)
Contact and Address
Web: www.linguistics.utoronto.ca
Email: linguistics@utoronto.ca
Telephone: (416) 978-4029
Fax: (416) 971-2688
Department of Linguistics
University of Toronto
Sidney Smith Hall
4th Floor, 100 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3