Jewish Studies

Jewish Studies: Introduction

Lead Faculty of the Collaborative Specialization

Arts and Science

Participating Degree Programs

Anthropology — MA, PhD
Art History — MA, PhD
Classics — MA, PhD
Comparative Literature — MA, PhD
Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies — MA, PhD
English — MA, PhD
European and Eurasian Studies — MA
Geography — PhD
Germanic Languages and Literatures — MA
Germanic Literature, Culture and Theory — PhD
History — MA, PhD
Information — PhD
Linguistics — PhD
Medieval Studies — MA, PhD
Museum Studies — MMSt
Music — MA, PhD
Music Performance — DMA
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations — MA, PhD
Philosophy — MA, PhD
Political Science — MA, PhD
Religion — MA, PhD
Slavic Languages and Literatures — MA, PhD
Sociology — MA, PhD
Women and Gender Studies — MA


The Collaborative Specialization in Jewish Studies offers both broad and intensive exposure to the constituent fields within Jewish Studies. Because of Jewish civilization's vast chronological and geographical range, as well as its constant interaction and cross-fertilization with other cultures, graduate work within Jewish Studies demands intensive exposure to a wide variety of languages, textual traditions, and scholarly disciplines.

The collaborative specialization involves the graduate master's and doctoral programs listed above. Upon successful completion of the degree requirements of the participating home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization, students will receive the notation "Completed Collaborative Specialization in Jewish Studies" on their transcript.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 978-1624
Fax: (416) 946-7719

Collaborative Specialization in Jewish Studies
Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies
University of Toronto
170 St. George Street, Suite 218
Toronto, Ontario M5R 3M8

Jewish Studies: Master's Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • In addition to the admission requirements of the home graduate unit, sufficient linguistic knowledge, textual training, and familiarity with relevant scholarship in order to carry out graduate work in Jewish Studies within the chosen field are required.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of CJS1000H, the core methods seminar in Jewish Studies. This seminar will introduce students to the different disciplines, methods, and approaches within Jewish Studies.

  • 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) in Jewish Studies taken within the student's home graduate unit or in another unit (may count towards the course requirements of the student's home unit).

  • A comprehensive exam in Jewish Studies, supervised by a faculty member chosen from Jewish Studies and in consultation with the graduate chair from the student's home unit, in which the student will be asked to show knowledge of areas of Jewish Studies relevant to his or her disciplinary focus.

  • If the student's home program requires a major research paper or thesis, the focus of the paper must pertain to Jewish Studies, and the topic must be approved by the collaborative specialization director.


Jewish Studies: Doctoral Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • In addition to the admission requirements of the home graduate unit, sufficient linguistic knowledge, textual training, and familiarity with relevant scholarship in order to carry out graduate work in Jewish Studies within the chosen field are required.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of CJS2000H, the core research colloquium in Jewish Studies that runs biweekly throughout the year.

  • Two half courses (1.0 full-course equivalent [FCE]), one within and one outside of the student's home unit, taught by a member of the CJS faculty (may count towards the course requirements of the student's home unit).

  • A doctoral dissertation that deals substantively with topics in Jewish Studies and is supervised or co-supervised by a Jewish Studies graduate faculty member.

  • Students will be required to give one presentation at the Jewish Studies graduate student conference over the course of their doctoral program. The conference will be held each year in the spring. The paper presentation must be completed before the completion of the doctoral program.


Jewish Studies: Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please consult the graduate unit for information about course availability. Courses marked with # are taught by Jewish Studies faculty members and incorporate themes within and outside of Jewish Studies. Major research and writing assignments for such courses must focus on topics in Jewish Studies.

Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Jewish Studies Master's Seminar
Jewish Studies Doctoral Seminar

Elective Courses

Reading Course

Course CodeCourse Title
CJS1012HJewish Studies Directed Reading Course
Jewish Studies Directed Reading Course


Course CodeCourse Title
World War II in East Central Europe
Polish Jews Since the Partitions of Poland

Medieval Studies

Course CodeCourse Title
Jews and Christians in Medieval and Renaissance Europe


Course CodeCourse Title
CJS1010HRepresentations of Jews and Jewishness in Opera

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations

Course CodeCourse Title
Biblical Aramaic
Classical Syriac
Western Aramaic — Jerusalem Talmud
Syriac Historical Texts
Syriac Exegetical Texts
Eastern Aramaic — Babylonian Talmud
Scribes, Manuscripts, and Translations of the Hebrew Bible
Readings in Hebrew Bible
Halakhic Midrashim
Life Cycle and Personal Status in Judaism: Reproductive Technology and Jewish Law


Various courses, depending upon their content in a given year. Consult the collaborative specialization director.

Course CodeCourse Title
Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Continental Philosophy
Seminar in Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy


Course CodeCourse Title
Modern Jewish Thought
Maimonides and His Modern Interpreters
Worship and Scripture at Qumran
Interpretations of Jewish Tradition
The Jewish Legal Tradition
Jewish Traditions in Antiquity: Configuring the Text

Slavic Languages and Literatures

Course CodeCourse Title
The Imaginary Jew