Environment and Health

Environment and Health: Introduction

Lead Faculty of the Collaborative Specialization

Arts and Science

Participating Degree Programs

Adult Education and Community Development — MA, MEd, PhD
Architecture, Landscape, and Design — PhD
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry — MASc, MEng, PhD
Community Health — MScCH
Environmental Science — MEnvSc, PhD
Forest Conservation — MFC
Forestry — MScF, PhD
Geography — MA, MSc, PhD
Landscape Architecture — MLA
Medical Science — MSc, PhD
Music — MA, MMus, PhD
Planning — MScPl, PhD
Public Health Sciences — MPH, PhD
Women and Gender Studies — MA, PhD


The graduate degree programs listed above participate in the Collaborative Specialization in Environment and Health (CSEH), which is offered through the School of the Environment. Graduate students admitted to a participating graduate degree program in a degree-granting unit, also called the home department or home unit, can apply to the CSEH and pursue coursework and research in areas related to environment and health. The School of the Environment currently has graduate students from across the disciplinary spectrum.

The study of environment and health recognizes that human health is fundamentally dependent on a healthy environment. With a focus on understanding the human health implications of chemical, biological, and physical hazards in our environment, it encompasses topics such as the health impacts of air and water quality, climate change, contaminated lands and urban design, and the need for interdisciplinary approaches to address them. The CSEH exposes students in the health sciences to broader environmental perspectives on related health issues, while students in environmental studies and sciences can have the opportunity to gain insight about the health implications of environmental quality. This specialization may also be of interest to students who are concerned with ethical, pedagogical, and policy approaches to understanding and addressing environment and health issues.

Upon successful completion of the degree requirements of the participating home department and the CSEH, students will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Environment and Health” on their transcript.

Contact and Address

Web: environment.utoronto.ca/graduate
Email: grad.director.env@utoronto.ca or grad.office.env@utoronto.ca
Telephone: (416) 978-5174

Collaborative Specialization in Environment and Health
School of the Environment, Earth Sciences Centre
University of Toronto
Room 1021, 33 Willcocks Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E8

Environment and Health: Master's Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Students who wish to enrol in the CSEH offered by the School of the Environment must first apply to and be accepted into a master's program in a degree-granting unit, also called a home department or home unit. Information about applying to a home unit can be found on the School of Graduate Studies website as well as on the respective websites of participating degree-granting units.

  • Prospective students who are planning to enrol in the CSEH are strongly encouraged to submit the Collaborative Specialization enrolment form (PDF) after receiving their letter of acceptance or at the start of their program of study. Students are able to join the CSEH beyond the start of their degree, provided they are able to complete the CSEH requirements by the time they are ready to graduate from their degree program.

Completion Requirements

  • The requirements listed below must be completed in combination with that expected for the master's degree program requirements of the home department. These are normally counted as electives toward the degree program requirements of the student's home unit. Typically, students complete a minimum of 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) and conduct research on an environment and health related topic. Note that specific requirements for participating degree programs can vary. The CSEH requirements for each participating degree program are listed below as well as on the School of the Environment's website under the Collaborative Specialization in Environment and Health.

  • Master's students who are enrolled in a coursework-based degree must complete 30% of their program requirements within their collaborative specialization.

Master's Degree Thesis or Major Research Paper Option

Master of Applied Science in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry;
Master of Arts in Adult Education and Community Development;
Master of Arts in Women and Gender Studies;
Master of Arts in Geography;
Master of Science in Forestry;
Master of Science in Geography;
Master of Science in Medical Science

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below.

    • Geography MA and MSc students are strongly encouraged to complete a cross-listed elective course such as GGR1422H, JGE1425H, or JPG1428H.

    • Courses (including special topics) that have an environment and health focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • Complete a thesis or major research paper in their home unit on an environment and health topic. A copy of the final thesis or research paper must be submitted to the School of the Environment prior to convocation.

Master of Arts in Music, Field in Ethnomusicology

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment and health focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • For students who complete MUS1002H Fieldwork Methods and Practicum, the practicum should have an environment and health focus. A completion letter must be submitted to the School of the Environment prior to convocation.

Master of Arts in Music, Field in Music Education

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment and health focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • For students who complete MUS2990Y MA Major Essay, the paper should include an environment and health component. A final copy of the paper must be submitted to the School of the Environment prior to convocation.

Master of Arts in Music, Field in Music and Health Sciences

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment and health focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • For students who complete MUS7407H Clinical Research Practicum, the practicum should have an environment and health focus. A completion letter must be submitted to the School of the Environment prior to convocation.

Master of Music in Applied Music and Health

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment and health focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • 1.5 FCEs completed through MUS7407H Clinical Research Practicum and MUS4112Y Clinical Performance Practicum, provided there is an environment and health related component to each course.

Master's Degree Coursework Option

Master of Arts in Music, Field in Musicology

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment and health focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • Additional 0.5 FCE completed through either a second approved elective, an individual reading and research course, or ENV5555Y Research Paper.

Master of Arts in Music, Field in Music Theory

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment and health focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • Additional 0.5 FCE completed through either a second approved elective, an individual reading and research course, or ENV5555Y Research Paper.

Master of Education in Adult Education and Community Development;
Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 1.0 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment and health focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

Master of Environmental Science

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • Either EES1116Y Internship or EES1101Y Research Paper in Environmental Science, provided there is an environment and health focus. Students completing a research paper must submit a final copy to the School of the Environment prior to convocation. Students completing an internship must submit a letter of completion to the School of the Environment prior to convocation.

Master of Forest Conservation

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • FOR3007H Internship in Forest Conservation, provided there is an environment and health theme or component. A copy of the internship completion letter must be submitted to the School prior to convocation.

  • FOR3008H Case Study Capstone in Forest Conservation, provided there is an environment and health theme or component. A copy of the final research paper must be submitted to the School of the Environment prior to convocation.

Master of Landscape Architecture and Design

3-Year Option
  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • Up to 4.0 FCEs from the following courses may count towards the remaining CSEH requirements: LAN1011Y, LAN1021Y, LAN2013Y, LAN1037H, LAN1038H, LAN1041H, LAN1043H, LAN1047H, LAN1048H, LAN2045H, LAN2046H, LAN2047H, LAN2048H, LAN3016Y, and LAN3017Y, provided there is an environmental component. Students completing the research paper must submit a final copy to the School of the Environment prior to convocation.

2-Year Option
  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • Up to 2.0 FCEs from the following courses may count towards the remaining CSEH requirements: LAN2013Y, LAN2045H, LAN2046H, LAN2047H, LAN2048H, LAN3016Y, and LAN3017Y, provided there is an environment and health component. Students completing the research paper must submit a final copy to the School of the Environment prior to convocation.

Master of Public Health

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • A minimum 1.0 FCE practicum placement with the home unit, provided there is an environment and health component.

  • An additional 0.5 to 1.0 FCE, depending on the practicum length, can be completed through electives from the CSEH course list.

Master of Science in Community Health

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • 0.5 FCE practicum placement with the home unit, provided there is an environment and health component.

Master of Science in Planning

  • ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health.

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the School of the Environment's list of approved electives below. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • Additional 1.5 FCEs which can be completed through a combination of PLA4444H Internship and/or PLA1107Y Current Issues Paper, provided there is an environment and health component, or additional electives from the CSEH course list.


Environment and Health: Doctoral Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Students who wish to enrol in the CSEH offered by the School of the Environment must first apply to and be accepted into a doctoral program in a degree-granting unit, also called a home department or home unit. Information about applying to a home department can be found on the School of Graduate Studies website as well as on the respective websites of participating degree-granting units.

  • Prospective students who are planning to enrol in the CSEH are strongly encouraged to submit the Collaborative Specialization Enrolment Form (PDF) after receiving their letter of acceptance or at the start of their program of study. Students are able to join the CSEH beyond the start of their degree, provided they are able to complete the CSEH requirements by the time they are ready to graduate from their degree program.

Completion Requirements

  • The requirements listed below must be completed in combination with the PhD degree program requirements of the student's respective home department. These are normally counted as electives toward the degree program requirements of the student's home department. Typically, students complete up to 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) and conduct research on an environment and health topic. Note that specific requirements for participating degree programs can vary. Therefore, students are encouraged to check the calendar entries of their respective home department programs. Specific CSEH requirements for each participating degree program are listed on the School of the Environment website under the Collaborative Specialization in Environment and Health.

  • Complete the mandatory core course ENV4001H Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health, unless already completed at the master's level.

  • Complete one elective course (0.5 FCE) from the School's list of approved courses. Courses (including special topics) that have an environment focus but are not included in the School's approved list can be counted as an elective, pending approval from the Graduate Associate Director.

  • Give an oral presentation of their doctoral research as part of the School of the Environment's Research Day, which is held once per year in the spring.

  • Complete a thesis on a theme in environment and health. Normally, the thesis committee will include a supervisor from the student's home department who holds a graduate faculty membership (GFM) in the School of the Environment. If the student's primary thesis supervisor does not hold a GFM in the School of the Environment, the School's Director will either initiate the process of assigning a GFM to the primary supervisor or review the composition of the thesis committee to ensure it has appropriate expertise. A copy of the final thesis must be submitted to the School of the Environment prior to graduation.

  • Additional courses may be required by the home department and/or by the supervisor or supervisory committee, depending on academic and/or career goals of the student, as well as departmental regulations.

    • For programs with limited elective space, such as the PhD in Geography, students are strongly encouraged to select a cross-listed elective course.


Environment and Health: Courses

The School of the Environment offers individual credit courses that are open to graduate students from all units of the University, subject to enrolment limits. Except for the core course, ENV4001H, not all courses are offered every year.

Graduate students enrolled in the CSES may also request to count non-listed electives towards their collaborative specialization pending approval from the School’s Graduate Associate Director. (Non-listed electives are those not on 1) the pre-approved list of School of the Environment courses or 2) those that are formally cross-listed with other graduate units.) For a current graduate course listing, please refer to the School of the Environment website.

Core Course

Course CodeCourse Title
Graduate Seminars in Environment and Health

Elective Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Water Resources Management and Policy
Environmental Risk Analysis and Management
Topics in Environment and Health
ENV3000YTopics in Environment and Health

Other Elective Courses

Adult Education and Community Development (Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education)

Course CodeCourse Title
The Pedagogy of Food

Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

Course CodeCourse Title
Fundamentals of Aerosol Physics and Chemistry
Environmental Pathways


Course CodeCourse Title
Transport and Fate of Chemical Species in the Environment
Analytical Environmental Chemistry
Atmospheric Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry of Soil
Modelling the Fate of Organic Chemicals in the Environment

Environmental Science (Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences)

Course CodeCourse Title
Perspectives in Environmental Health: Mechanisms of Toxicity
EES1704HEnvironmental Risk Assessment


Course CodeCourse Title
Urban Forest Conservation

Geography and Planning

Course CodeCourse Title
GGR1422HThe Geography of Urban Air Pollution
Livelihoods, Poverty, and Environment in the Global South
JPG1428HGreening the City: Urban Environmental Planning and Management

Landscape Architecture (Department of Architecture, Landscape, and Design)

Course CodeCourse Title
LAN1037HPlants and Design
Field Studies 1
LAN2045HLandscape Ecology
LAN2047HLandscape Hydrology
LAN3045HAdvanced Site Technologies

Pharmacology (Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology)

Course CodeCourse Title
Graduate Seminar in Toxicology
JNP1019HBiomedical Toxicology
JNP1020HInterdisciplinary Toxicology

Public Health Sciences

Course CodeCourse Title
Building Community Resilience
Public Health Sanitation
Environmental Epidemiology
Ecological Public Health
Environmental Health
Occupational and Environmental Hygiene I
Occupational and Environmental Hygiene II
CHL5921HProtecting the Public from Air Pollution