
Music: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation


Degree Programs


MA and PhD

  • Fields:
    • Ethnomusicology;
    • Music and Health Sciences;
    • Music Education;
    • Musicology;
    • Music Theory

Music Performance


  • Fields:
    • Applied Music and Health;
    • Collaborative Piano;
    • Composition;
    • Conducting;
    • Historical Performance;
    • Instrumental;
    • Jazz;
    • Music Technology and Digital Media;
    • Opera;
    • Piano Pedagogy;
    • Vocal;
    • Vocal Pedagogy


  • Fields:
    • Composition;
    • Performance

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:


A taught graduate degree program at the Faculty of Music was inaugurated in 1954. The Faculty of Music currently offers graduate degrees in 17 areas of concentration and fosters the institutional alliance of all areas of advanced music study. Graduate degrees are offered at both master's and doctoral levels in areas such as composition, ethnomusicology, music education, musicology, and performance. Graduates from all areas of the program occupy leading positions in music departments across Canada and around the world.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 978-5772
Fax: (416) 946-3353

Graduate Department of Music
University of Toronto
Edward Johnson Building
80 Queen's Park Crescent
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C5

Music: Graduate Faculty

Full Members

Albano, Michael - BA,
Bartel, Lee - BA, BMus, MEd, PhD
Bowen, William - BA, BMus, MA, PhD
Britton, Eliot - PhD
Clark, Caryl - BMus, MA, PhD
Crow, Jonathan - BMus
Degli Esposti Elisi, Enrico Elisi - DMA
Dolloff, Lori Anne - MusB, PhD
Edwards, Darryl - BEd, BMus, MMus, DMA
Elliott, Robin - BMus, MA, PhD (Associate Dean, Graduate Education)
Gutsche-Miller, Sarah - PhD
Haines, John - BSc, BA, MA, PhD
Halladay, Wallace - BM
Hatzis, Christos - MusM, PhD
Hemmasi, Farzaneh - PhD
Hisama, Ellie - PhD
Horst, Sandra - BMus, MM
Huang, Aiyun - DMA
Koga, Midori - BMus, AA, MMus, DMA
Komisaruk, Kevin - BMus, MMus, MusDoc
Kulesha, Gary - AA, ARCT, ARCT
Lee, Sherry - BMus, MMus, PhD
Lockhart, Ellen - PhD
Macdonald, Lorna - BME, MMus
MacKay, Gillian - BMus, MMus, DMA
McClelland, Ryan - BMus, MM, PhD (Interim Dean)
McFadden, Jeffrey - BMus, MusM, MusDoc (Associate Dean, Performance and Public Events)
Niknafs, Nasim - PhD (Associate Dean, Research)
Packman, Jeff - BS, MA, PhD
Palej, Norbert - BM, MM, DMA
Parker, James - BMus, MM, DMA, ARCT
Patipatanakoon, Annalee - BAMus
Philcox, Steven - BM, MM
Pilzer, Joshua David - BA, MA, PhD
Promane, Terry - BM
Risk, Laura Jenny - BA, MA, PhD
Rolston, Shauna - BA, MM
Sallmen, Mark - BM, MA, PhD
Sanger-Kippen, Annette Edith - BAMus, PhD
Suzuki, Kotoka - BM, MusD
Tan, Daphne - PhD (Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs)
Taylor, Daniel - MM
Thaut, Corene - PhD
Thaut, Michael - PhD
Vande Moortele, Steven - PhD

Members Emeriti

Aide, William - BSc
Apfelstadt, Hilary - PhD
Beach, David - BA, MusM, PhD
Chan, Ka Nin - BASc, BMus, MMus, MusD
Gould, Elizabeth - BM, MA, MusDoc
Hartenberger, J. Russell - MB, MM, PhD
Johnston, Gregory - MusB, MA, PhD
Kippen, James - BA, PhD
McLean, Don - PhD
Murley, Mike - BFA
Parker, Mary Ann - BA, MM, PhD, ARCT
Patrick, Dennis - MusBac, MMus
Rapoport, Alexander - MMus, MusDoc
Walter, Cameron - BMus, MMus, EdD

Associate Members

Braun, Russell - BMus
Brownell, John - BFA, MMus, MusD
Clements-Cortes, Amy - PhD
Gonzalez Ben, Antia - PhD
Guptill, Christine Anna - PhD
Hennigar, Harcus - BMus, BA
Hetherington, David - BA, ARCT
Jasavala, John - MM
John, Bina - BM, BE, MM, MusD
Johnson, Joseph - MMus
Kuzmenko, Larysa - BMus, MM
Lewis, Jim - MM
McDonagh, Brian - BM
Nediger, Charlotte - MMus
Newsome, Gregory Lee - MMus
Nielsen, Wendy - BMus, MM
Paulin, Nathalie - MMus
Sanborn, Chase - MA
Sicsic, Nancy - MMus
Sumner, Carolyne - PhD
Watts, Camille - BMus
Whicher, Monica - BMus
Wong, Lydia - BMus
Ying, Timothy - DMA

Music: Music MA; Field: Ethnomusicology

MA Program; Field: Ethnomusicology

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants to the MA in Music, Ethnomusicology field are accepted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate Bachelor of Arts specialist degree or Bachelor of Music degree from a recognized university, with an average standing equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better over the final two years.

  • Applicants whose undergraduate degrees do not meet this standard may be required to take up to a full year of prerequisite courses.

  • Applicants must submit an essay representative of their work in music history or ethnomusicology.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's academic ability and promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MUS1000H Introduction to Music Research I in Year 1

    • MUS1002H Fieldwork Methods and Practicum, offered in alternate years

    • 3.5 of the 6.0 FCEs must be in the discipline; this includes MUS1000H

    • Up to 1.0 FCE may be taken outside of Musicology, Ethnomusicology, or Music Theory (either in the Graduate Department of Music or another graduate unit) with approval of the course and program advising committee.

    • The primary means of evaluating quality are research essays and seminar presentations. MUS1990H MA Major Paper or Project is optional.

  • A course and program advising (CPA) committee will review course selections. The CPA committee will ensure course selections meet the program requirements and are appropriate to the field.

  • Students must maintain a minimum average of A– in Year 1 of the program in order to progress to Year 2.

  • One language other than English is required: this should be relevant to a student's musical and scholarly interests. The chosen language must be approved by the department. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the language requirement in Year 1.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music MA; Field: Music and Health Sciences

MA Program; Field: Music and Health Sciences

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Music Therapy degree with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years, or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university. Applicants who have taken courses in music therapy, psychology, kinesiology, and/or rehabilitation science are preferred. Applicants whose undergraduate degree does not meet this standard may be required to take appropriate prerequisite courses.

  • Selected applicants will be scheduled for an interview. Depending on circumstances, an assigned essay may be substituted for the interview with faculty approval.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's professional experience and academic ability.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 4.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs] as follows:

    • Required courses (3.0 FCEs)

      • One of the following quantitative methods research courses (0.5 FCE), approved by the advisor:

        • CHL5201H Biostatistics I

        • JOI1287H Introduction to Applied Statistics

        • NUR1075H Introductory Statistics for Health Sciences Research

        • REH1120H Research Methods for Rehabilitation

      • MUS7110H Neurosciences of Music: Scientific Foundations, Clinical Translations

      • MUS7412H Elementary Improvisation Methods

      • Three of the following courses (1.5 FCEs) or other course(s) as approved by the department:

        • MUS4248H Optimizing the Singing Mind

        • MUS4613H Performance Techniques for Hospice Palliative Care

        • MUS7400H Introduction to Music and Health Care

        • MUS7406H Music Psychology

        • MUS7407H Clinical Research Practicum

        • MUS7415H Topics in Music and Health I

        • MUS7416H Topics in Music and Health II

    • Elective courses (1.0 FCE) from health-related music courses or from health-related departments as approved by the advisor. Students may choose to enrol in a recommended collaborative specialization during their study, such as the Collaborative Specialization in Aging, Palliative and Supportive Care Across the Life Course or the Collaborative Specialization in Neuroscience. The course(s) taken as part of the collaborative specialization may count towards this elective requirement.

  • All students are assigned a faculty advisor.

  • Students must pass, by the end of Year 1, a comprehensive examination (oral) in music and health, based on four selected essays representing a cohesive research direction. Two attempts to complete the exam are permitted. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, the department will recommend termination of the student’s program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music MA; Field: Music Education

MA Program; Field: Music Education

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years, or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university. Applicants whose undergraduate degree does not meet this standard may be required to take appropriate prerequisite courses.

  • Applicants will normally have two years of teaching experience, although this requirement may be waived at the discretion of the department.

  • An interview with the Music Education faculty must be scheduled whenever possible. With faculty approval, an assigned essay may be substituted for the interview.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's teaching experience, music performance ability, and academic ability.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • A minimum of 2.5 FCEs in Music Education, including MUS2111H Introduction to Research in Music Education and MUS2151H Philosophy and Music Education.

    • Elective courses may be chosen from the MA/PhD/MMus/DMA courses of instruction and/or other graduate courses available in the University, subject to the approval of the department.

    • A major essay (MUS2990Y) may be substituted for 1.0 FCE with the approval of the department.

  • Pass a comprehensive examination in music education (written and oral). Students must successfully complete the comprehensive exam by the end of Year 1. Students are permitted two attempts to complete the exam. If students are unsuccessful in their second attempt at the comprehensive exam, the department will make a recommendation for program termination.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS); 6 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


Music: Music MA; Field: Musicology

MA Program; Field: Musicology

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants to the MA in Music, Musicology field are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate Bachelor of Arts specialist degree or Bachelor of Music degree from a recognized university, with an average standing equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better over the final two years. Applicants whose undergraduate degrees do not meet this standard may be required to take up to a full year of prerequisite courses.

  • Applicants must submit an essay representative of their work in music history.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's academic ability and promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MUS1000H Introduction to Music Research I in Year 1.

    • 3.0 of the 6.0 FCEs must be in the discipline; this includes MUS1000H.

    • Up to 1.0 FCE may be taken outside of Musicology, Ethnomusicology, or Music Theory (either in the Graduate Department of Music or another graduate unit) with approval of the course and program advising (CPA) committee.

    • The primary means of evaluating quality are research essays and seminar presentations. MUS1990H MA Major Paper or Project is optional.

    • A CPA committee will review course selections. The CPA committee will ensure course selections meet the program requirements and are appropriate to the field.

  • One language other than English is required. The default language at the MA level is German. Students may petition to substitute another language if it is more relevant to their research. Petitions must be submitted to the Division Head (Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Information on petitioning is available at the Faculty of Music Graduate Studies Office.

    Students can fulfil the language requirement in one of the following three ways:

    • Complete GER300H at U of T or its equivalent from another university with a minimum grade of B+; or

    • Complete GER6000H; or

    • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division.

  • Students must maintain a minimum average of A– in Year 1 in order to progress to Year 2.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music MA; Field: Music Theory

MA Program; Field: Music Theory

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants to the MA in Music, Music Theory field are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate Bachelor of Arts specialist degree or Bachelor of Music degree from a recognized university, with an average standing equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better over the final two years.

  • Applicants must submit an essay that represents their work in music theory.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's academic ability and promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MUS1000H Introduction to Music Research in Year 1.

    • A minimum of 3.0 FCEs in graduate courses in music theory; at least two of these (2.0 FCEs) must be graduate-only seminars.

    • Up to 1.0 FCE may be taken outside of musicology, ethnomusicology, and music theory (either in the Graduate Department of Music or another graduate unit) with approval of the department.

    • MUS1990H MA Major Paper or Project (0.5 FCE) is optional.

    • A course and program advising (CPA) committee will review course selections. The CPA committee will ensure course selections meet the requirements of the program and are appropriate to the field.

  • One language other than English is required. The default language at the MA level is German. Students may petition to substitute another language if it is more relevant to their research. Petitions must be submitted to the Division Head (Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Information on petitioning is available at the Faculty of Music Graduate Studies Office.

    Students can fulfil the language requirement in one of the following three ways:

    • Complete GER300H at U of T or its equivalent from another university with a minimum grade of B+; or

    • Complete GER6000H; or

    • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division.

  • Students must maintain a minimum average of A– in Year 1 in order to progress to Year 2.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music PhD; Field: Ethnomusicology

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of two routes: 1) following completion of an appropriate master's degree or 2) direct entry following completion an appropriate bachelor's degree.

PhD Program; Field: Ethnomusicology

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • The PhD in Music, Ethnomusicology field is a research degree. Applicants must hold a master's degree with specialization in ethnomusicology, musicology, or music theory, but may also be in a cognate field such as anthropology or cultural studies. Applicants must have an average standing of B+ or better.

  • An essay of approximately 3,000 words which demonstrates their ability to handle a research problem.

  • Applicants, whether from the University of Toronto or elsewhere, may be interviewed by the department.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's academic ability and promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students holding a master's degree specializing in musicology, ethnomusicology, or theory must fulfil the following requirements by the end of Year 2:

    • 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

      • MUS1250H PhD Seminar, taken in the first session

      • MUS1997H Research in Ethnomusicology

      • 1.0 FCE in graduate-only seminars in ethnomusicology

      • 1.0 FCE in electives, of which 0.5 FCE may be taken outside of musicology, ethnomusicology, and music theory (either in the Graduate Department of Music or another graduate unit). With approval from the course and program advising (CPA) committee, one 0.5 FCE course may be deferred to the first session of Year 2.

    • Coursework should be completed during Year 1 with an average grade of at least A–. The exception is MUS1997H Research in Ethnomusicology, which lays the groundwork for the field examination and the dissertation: this course must be started at the beginning of the second session of Year 1 and completed by the end of the first session of Year 2.

    • The CPA committee will review course selections to ensure that they meet the requirements of the program and are appropriate to the field. The department may prescribe additional courses if it is felt they are necessary to develop the knowledge and skills required for a student's proposed subject of study.

  • Advanced oral and reading knowledge of a language other than English is required: this should be relevant to a student's musical and scholarly interests. The department may also require competence in additional languages deemed necessary for a proposed area of research. Language requirements must be completed successfully by the end of Year 2.

  • Supervisor. During Year 1, students are expected to discuss their interests, expectations, and research objectives with faculty members. An appropriate supervisor of MUS1997H must then be agreed upon. The supervisor will be primarily responsible for determining the structure and content of MUS1997H, which will include a research paper.

  • A set of three comprehensive exams in (1) contemporary issues, (2) history of the field, and (3) repertoire, to be taken at the beginning of Year 2.

    • Students are permitted two attempts to complete each exam. A second attempt must take place at the beginning of the second session. If students are unsuccessful in their second attempt at the comprehensive exam, the department will make a recommendation for program termination.

  • Students must prepare a thesis and will defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • The residency requirement is two years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program; Field: Ethnomusicology (Direct-Entry)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • The PhD in Music, Ethnomusicology field is a research degree. Exceptional students may be admitted directly to the doctoral stream with an appropriate bachelor's degree (direct entry). Applicants must have an average standing of A– or better.

  • An essay of approximately 3,000 words which demonstrates their ability to handle a research problem.

  • Applicants, whether from the University of Toronto or elsewhere, may be interviewed by the department.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's academic ability and promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • Year 1: complete 3.0 FCEs, exclusive of MUS1250H and MUS1997H. Students must maintain an average grade of at least A– in order to continue with the doctorate; otherwise, the student will be required to transfer into the master's program. Successful direct entry students go on to Year 2.

    • Years 2 and 3: 3.0 FCEs as follows:

      • MUS1250H PhD Seminar, taken in the first session of Year 2.

      • MUS1997H Research in Ethnomusicology lays the groundwork for the field examination and the dissertation. This course must be started at the beginning of the second session of Year 2 and completed by the end of the first session of Year 3.

      • 1.0 FCE in graduate-only seminars in ethnomusicology.

      • 1.0 FCE in electives, of which 0.5 FCE may be taken outside of musicology, ethnomusicology, and music theory (either in the Graduate Department of Music or another graduate unit). With approval from the course and program advising (CPA) committee, one 0.5 FCE course may be deferred to the first session of Year 2.

      • All course requirements must be completed by the end of Year 3.

    • The CPA committee will review course selections to ensure that they meet the requirements of the program and are appropriate to the field. The department may prescribe additional courses if it is felt they are necessary to develop the knowledge and skills required for a student's proposed subject of study.

  • Students must complete an intermediate-level language examination in Year 1. Advanced oral and reading knowledge of a language other than English is required: this should be relevant to the student's musical and scholarly interests. The department may also require competence in additional languages deemed necessary for a proposed area of research. Language requirements must be completed successfully by the end of Year 3.

  • Supervisor. During Year 1, students are expected to discuss their interests, expectations, and research objectives with faculty members. An appropriate supervisor of MUS1997H must then be agreed upon. The supervisor will be primarily responsible for determining the structure and content of MUS1997H, which will include a research paper.

  • A set of three comprehensive exams in (1) contemporary issues, (2) history of the field, and (3) repertoire, to be taken at the beginning of Year 3.

    • Students are permitted two attempts to complete each exam. A second attempt must take place at the beginning of the second session. If students are unsuccessful in their second attempt at the comprehensive exam, the department will make a recommendation for program termination.

  • Students must prepare a thesis and will defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • The residency requirement is three years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


Music: Music PhD; Field: Music and Health Sciences

PhD Program; Field: Music and Health Sciences

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants must hold a four-year bachelor’s degree, either in music (or with a musical credential [e.g., ARCT]) or music therapy, plus a field-related master’s degree (e.g., master of music, master of music therapy, master’s degree in a health field such as kinesiology, neuroscience, or speech-language pathology). Applicants must have a standing of B+ or better, from the University of Toronto, or an equivalent degree and standing from another recognized university.

  • An interview with Music and Health faculty members whenever possible. With faculty approval, an assigned essay may be substituted for the interview.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's professional experience and academic ability.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • Required courses (4.0 FCEs):

      • MUS7995Y Music and Health Doctoral Research Project

      • Two of the following quantitative methods research courses (1.0 FCE), approved by the advisor:

        • CHL5201H Biostatistics I

        • NUR1075H Introductory Statistics for Health Sciences Research

        • REH1120H Research Methods for Rehabilitation

        • JOI1287H Introduction to Applied Statistics

      • Four of the following courses (2.0 FCEs) or other course(s) as approved by the department:

        • MUS4248H Optimizing the Singing Mind

        • MUS4613H Performance Techniques for Hospice Palliative Care

        • MUS7110H Neurosciences of Music: Scientific Foundations, Clinical Translations

        • MUS7406H Music Psychology

        • MUS7407H Clinical Research Practicum

        • MUS7412H Elementary Improvisation Methods

        • MUS7415H Topics in Music and Health I

        • MUS7416H Topics in Music and Health II

    • Elective courses (2.0 FCEs) from the Faculty of Music or related departments as approved by the advisor. Students in the Collaborative Specialization in Aging, Palliative and Supportive Care Across the Life Course or the Collaborative Specialization in Neuroscience may use the core course(s) from the collaborative specialization for these electives.

  • Language requirements, if any, will be established by the student's advisory committee, based on specific research needs.

  • Supervision. As early as possible in Year 2, the student will submit a thesis proposal that must be approved by the end of that year. On approval of the proposal by the Music and Health Sciences division, a principal advisor and an advisory committee of at least three members (including the advisor as chair) will be appointed. The committee will meet with the student at least two times each academic year.

  • Students must complete a comprehensive examination successfully by the end of Year 2. Students are permitted two attempts to complete the exam. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, the department will recommend termination of the student's program.

  • Thesis. Upon successful completion of the field examination, the candidate proceeds to complete an oral defence of the thesis proposal, a thesis, and an oral defence of the thesis.

  • Following successful completion of the comprehensive exam, a thesis supervisory committee is formed. The committee membership must be approved by the Academic Dean of Graduate Studies and should include at least one member from the Faculty of Music. The supervisor may be from an appropriate department. The supervisory committee must approve the thesis proposal. Thesis research involving facilities or research participants in other departments (e.g., fMRI scanning or use of hospital patients) must be approved by the Director of the Music and Health Research Collaboratory (MaHRC).

  • The residency requirement is two years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


Music: Music PhD; Field: Music Education

The PhD program in Music, Music Education field may be completed as a full-time program or a flexible-time program.

PhD Program; Field: Music Education

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants must hold a master's degree specializing in music education from the University of Toronto with an average standing of B+ or better, or an equivalent degree and standing from another recognized university.

  • An interview with the Music Education faculty must be scheduled whenever possible.

  • An assigned essay may be substituted for the interview with faculty approval.

  • At the discretion of the faculty, applicants may be required to provide a videotape of their teaching expertise.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's teaching experience, music performance ability, and academic ability.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) including:

    • At least 2.0 FCEs (including MUS2995Y Music Education Doctoral Research Project) must be taken from the departmental offerings in music education.

    • The balance of the student's required program must be approved by the department and may include courses from the MA/MMus/PhD/DMA list and/or from another graduate unit.

    • At the department's discretion, the student may receive credit for up to 3.0 FCEs from an acceptable master's degree program.

  • Language requirements, if any, will be established by the student's advisory committee, based on specific research needs.

  • Supervision. As early as possible in Year 2, the student will submit a thesis proposal which must be approved by the end of that year. On approval of the proposal by the Music Education division of the department, a principal advisor and an advisory committee of at least three members (including the advisor as chair) will be appointed. The committee will meet with the student at least two times each academic year.

  • Students must successfully complete a comprehensive exam by the end of Year 2. Students are permitted two attempts to complete the exam. If students are unsuccessful in their second attempt at the comprehensive exam, the department will make a recommendation for program termination.

  • Thesis. Upon successful completion of the comprehensive examination, the candidate proceeds to complete an oral defence of the thesis proposal, a thesis, and an oral defence of the thesis.

  • The residency requirement is two years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program; Field: Music Education (Flexible-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • The flexible-time option is offered to practising professionals whose employment or other professional work is related to their research or study interests.

  • Applicants to the flexible-time PhD program option must apply specifically to this program to be considered.

  • The admission, course, and degree requirements for the flexible-time option are identical to those listed for the full-time PhD program.

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants must hold a master's degree specializing in Music Education from the University of Toronto with an average standing of B+ or better, or an equivalent degree and standing from another recognized university.

  • An interview with the Music Education faculty must be scheduled whenever possible.

  • An assigned essay may be substituted for the interview with faculty approval.

  • At the discretion of the faculty, applicants may be required to provide a videotape of their teaching expertise.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's teaching experience, music performance ability, and academic ability.

  • Students who are considering the flexible-time PhD should ensure that they have adequate time on campus to attend classes and to fulfil the academic requirements of a PhD program.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) including:

    • At least 2.0 FCEs (including MUS2995Y Music Education Doctoral Research Project) must be taken from the departmental offerings in music education.

    • The balance of the student's required program must be approved by the department and may include courses from the MA/MMus/PhD/DMA list and/or from another graduate unit.

    • At the department's discretion, the student may receive credit for up to 3.0 FCEs from an acceptable master's degree program.

  • Language requirements, if any, will be established by the student's advisory committee, based on specific research needs.

  • Supervision. As early as possible in Year 2, the student will submit a thesis proposal which must be approved by the end of that year. On approval of the proposal by the Music Education division of the department, a principal advisor and an advisory committee of at least three members (including the advisor as chair) will be appointed. The committee will meet with the student at least two times each academic year.

  • Students must successfully complete a comprehensive exam by the end of Year 2. Students are permitted two attempts to complete the exam. If students are unsuccessful in their second attempt at the comprehensive exam, the department will make a recommendation for program termination.

  • Thesis. Upon successful completion of the comprehensive examination, the candidate proceeds to complete an oral defence of the thesis proposal, a thesis, and an oral defence of the thesis.

  • The residency requirement is two years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

  • As governed by University of Toronto regulations, flexible-time students must be registered full-time and pay full-time fees for four years, and may apply to be registered part-time thereafter. The program requirements will be the same as those required for the full-time PhD. The difference is that students enrolled in the flexible-time PhD will have the flexibility of a part-time course load and will have an overall time limit to completion of eight years.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 8 years full-time


Music: Music PhD; Field: Musicology

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of two routes: 1) following completion of an appropriate master's degree or 2) direct entry following completion an appropriate bachelor's degree.

PhD Program; Field: Musicology

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • The PhD in Music, Musicology field is a research degree. Applicants must hold a master's degree with specialization in musicology, ethnomusicology, or theory, and must have an average standing of B+ or better.

  • Applicants must submit an essay of approximately 3,000 words which demonstrates their ability to handle a research problem.

  • Applicants, whether from the University of Toronto or elsewhere, may be interviewed by the department.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's academic ability and promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students holding a master's degree specializing in musicology, ethnomusicology, or theory must fulfil the following requirements:

    • A minimum of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

      • MUS1250H PhD Seminar is taken in the first session

      • MUS1999H Research in Musicology

      • 1.0 FCE in graduate-only seminars in musicology

      • 1.0 FCE in electives, of which 0.5 FCE may be taken outside of Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and Music Theory (either in the Graduate Department of Music or another graduate unit). With approval from the CPA committee, one 0.5 FCE course may be deferred to the first session of Year 2.

    • Coursework should be completed during Year 1 with an average grade of at least A–. The exception is MUS1999H, which lays the groundwork for the field examination and the dissertation: this course must be started at the beginning of the second session of Year 1 and completed by the end of the first session of Year 2.

    • A course and program advising (CPA) committee will review course selections. The CPA committee will ensure course selections meet the requirements of the program and are appropriate to the field. Students may be required to take additional courses or acquire other skills to meet the needs of their proposed subjects of study.

  • A set of three (written) comprehensive exams in (1) contemporary issues, (2) history of the field, and (3) repertoire, to be taken at the beginning of Year 2.

    • Students are permitted two attempts to complete each exam. A second attempt must take place at the beginning of the second session. If students are unsuccessful in their second attempt at the comprehensive exam, the department will make a recommendation for program termination.

  • Two research languages in addition to English are required: one secondary and one primary. The goal is to have all language requirements fulfilled by the end of Year 2.

    • The secondary language requirement is the same as the MA language requirement. The default language for the secondary language requirement is German. Students who wish to choose languages other than German must submit a petition to the Division Head (either Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Students can fulfil the secondary language requirement in one of the following three ways:

      • Complete GER300H at U of T or its equivalent from another university, with a minimum grade of B+; or

      • Complete GER6000H; or

      • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division.

    • Students who have fulfilled the MA language requirement at U of T may count this as the secondary language or use it as a stepping stone towards the primary language. Students are expected to complete the secondary language requirement by the end of Year 1.

    • The primary language requirement involves advanced reading proficiency in the chosen language. Students who wish to choose languages other than German must submit a petition to the Division Head (either Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Information on petitioning is available at the Faculty of Music Graduate Studies Office. Students can fulfil the secondary language requirement in one of the following three ways:

      • Complete a 400-level language course at U of T or its equivalent from another university, with a minimum grade of B+; or

      • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division; or

      • Pass an exam in another graduate unit by arrangement through the Graduate Department of Music.

  • Students are allowed two attempts at the in-house exam, after which they must take a language course at the appropriate MA or PhD level. All language requirements must be completed by the end of Year 3. Exceptions are granted only in extenuating circumstances and by petition.

  • Students must prepare a thesis under the direction of an advisor and a committee and will defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination. The thesis, including bibliography and appendices, should ideally be between 75,000 and 80,000 words in length. The department will not consider a thesis that exceeds 100,000 words.

  • The residency requirement is two years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program; Field: Musicology (Direct-Entry)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • The PhD in Music, Musicology field is a research degree. Exceptional students may be admitted directly to the doctoral stream with an appropriate bachelor's degree (direct entry). Applicants must have an average standing of A– or better.

  • Applicants must submit an essay of approximately 3,000 words which demonstrates their ability to handle a research problem.

  • Applicants, whether from the University of Toronto or elsewhere, may be interviewed by the department.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's academic ability and promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 3.0 FCEs at the graduate level in Year 1 with a minimum average of A–. The exception is MUS1999H, which lays the groundwork for the field examination and the dissertation: this course must be started at the beginning of the second session of Year 1 and completed by the end of the first session of Year 2.

    • An intermediate-level language exam in Year 1. All language requirements must be completed by Year 3.

    • Following successful completion of Year 1, students must then complete all program requirements of the four-year PhD program.

    • MUS1250H PhD Seminar, taken in the first session of Year 2.

    • MUS1999H Research in Musicology.

    • 1.0 FCE in graduate-only seminars in musicology.

    • 1.0 FCE in electives, of which 0.5 FCE may be taken outside of Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and Music Theory (either in the Graduate Department of Music or another graduate unit). With approval from the course and program advising (CPA) committee, one 0.5 FCE course may be deferred to the first session of Year 2.

    • The CPA committee will review course selections, ensuring that course selections meet the requirements of the program and are appropriate to the field. Students may be required to take additional courses or acquire other skills to meet the needs of their proposed subjects of study.

  • A set of three (written) comprehensive exams in (1) contemporary issues, (2) history of the field, and (3) repertoire, to be taken at the beginning of Year 3.

    • Students are permitted two attempts to complete each exam. A second attempt must take place at the beginning of the second session. If students are unsuccessful in their second attempt at the comprehensive exam, the department will make a recommendation for program termination.

  • Two research languages in addition to English are required: one secondary and one primary. The goal is to have all language requirements fulfilled by the end of Year 2.

    • The default language for the secondary language requirement is German. Students who wish to choose languages other than German must submit a petition to the Division Head (either Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Students can fulfil the secondary language requirement in one of the following three ways:

      • Complete GER300H at U of T or its equivalent from another university, with a minimum grade of B+; or

      • Complete GER6000H; or

      • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division.

    • Students are expected to complete the secondary language requirement by the end of Year 1.

    • The primary language requirement involves advanced reading proficiency in the chosen language. Students who wish to choose languages other than German must submit a petition to the Division Head (either Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Information on petitioning is available at the Faculty of Music Graduate Studies Office. Students can fulfil the secondary language requirement in one of the following three ways:

      • Complete a 400-level language course at U of T or its equivalent from another university, with a minimum grade of B+; or

      • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division; or

      • Pass an exam in another graduate unit by arrangement through the Graduate Department of Music.

  • Students are allowed two attempts at the in-house exam, after which they must take a language course at the appropriate MA or PhD level. All language requirements must be completed by the end of Year 3. Exceptions are granted only in extenuating circumstances and by petition.

  • Students must prepare a thesis under the direction of an advisor and a committee and will defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination. The thesis, including bibliography and appendices, should ideally be between 75,000 and 80,000 words in length. The department will not consider a thesis that exceeds 100,000 words.

  • The residency requirement is three years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


Music: Music PhD; Field: Music Theory

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of two routes: 1) following completion of an appropriate master's degree or 2) direct entry following completion a bachelor's degree.

PhD Program; Field: Music Theory

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • The PhD in Music, Music Theory field is a research degree. Applicants must hold a master's degree with appropriate specialization (normally music theory or musicology), and must have an average standing of B+ or better.

  • Applicants must submit an essay of approximately 3,000 words pertaining to music theory and which demonstrates their ability to handle a research problem.

  • Applicants, whether from the University of Toronto or elsewhere, may be interviewed by the department.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's academic ability and promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete of a minimum of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) including:

    • MUS1250H PhD Seminar (taken in the first session).

    • MUS3997H Research in Music Theory.

    • 1.0 FCE in graduate-only seminars in music theory.

    • 1.0 FCE in electives, of which 0.5 FCE may be taken outside of musicology, ethnomusicology, and music theory (either in the Graduate Department of Music or another graduate unit). With approval from the CPA committee, one 0.5 FCE course may be deferred to the first session of Year 2.

    • Coursework should be completed during Year 1 with an average grade of at least A–. The exception is MUS3997H Research in Music Theory, which lays the groundwork for the field examination and dissertation: this course must be started at the beginning of the second session of Year 1 and completed by the end of the first session of Year 2.

    • Students may be required to take additional courses or acquire other skills to meet the needs of their proposed subjects of study.

    • A course and program advising (CPA) committee will review course selections. The CPA committee will ensure course selections meet the requirements of the program and are appropriate to the field.

  • A set of three (written) comprehensive exams in (1) history of the field; (2) current issues in the field; and (3) repertoire and analysis, to be taken at the beginning of Year 2.

    • Students are permitted two attempts to complete each exam. A second attempt must take place at the beginning of the second session. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, the department will recommend termination of the student's program.

  • Two research languages in addition to English are required: one secondary and one primary. The goal is to have all language requirements fulfilled by the end of Year 2.

    • The secondary language requirement is the same as the MA language requirement. The default language for the secondary language requirement is German. Students who wish to choose languages other than German must submit a petition to the Division Head (either Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Students can fulfil the secondary language requirement in one of the following three ways:

      • Complete GER300H at U of T or its equivalent from another university, with a minimum grade of B+; or

      • Complete GER6000H; or

      • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division.

    • Students who have fulfilled the MA language requirement at U of T may count this as the secondary language or use it as a stepping stone towards the primary language. Students are expected to complete the secondary language requirement by the end of Year 1.

    • The primary language requirement involves advanced reading proficiency in the chosen language. Students who wish to choose languages other than German must submit a petition to the Division Head (either Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Information on petitioning is available at the Faculty of Music Graduate Studies Office. Students can fulfil the primary language requirement in one of the following three ways:

      • Complete a 400-level language course at U of T or its equivalent from another university, with a minimum grade of B+; or

      • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division; or

      • Pass an exam in another graduate unit by arrangement through the Graduate Department of Music.

  • Students are allowed two attempts at the in-house exam, after which they must take a language course at the appropriate MA or PhD level. All language requirements must be completed by the end of Year 3. Exceptions are granted only in extenuating circumstances and by petition.

  • Students must prepare a thesis under the direction of an advisor and a committee and will defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination. The thesis, including bibliography and appendices, should ideally be between 75,000 and 80,000 words in length. The department will not consider a thesis that exceeds 100,000 words.

  • The residency requirement is two years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program; Field: Music Theory (Direct-Entry)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • The PhD in Music, Music Theory field is a research degree. Exceptional students may be admitted directly to the doctoral stream with an appropriate four-year University of Toronto bachelor's degree (normally in music theory or musicology), or its equivalent from a recognized university, with at least an A– average in courses.

  • Applicants must submit an essay of approximately 3,000 words pertaining to music theory and which demonstrates their ability to handle a research problem.

  • Applicants, whether from the University of Toronto or elsewhere, may be interviewed by the department.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's academic ability and promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 3.0 FCEs at the graduate level in Year 1 with a minimum average of A–. The exception is MUS3997H Research in Music Theory, which lays the groundwork for the field examination and dissertation: this course must be started at the beginning of the second session of Year 1 and completed by the end of the first session of Year 2.

    • An intermediate-level language exam in Year 1. All language requirements must be completed by Year 3.

    • Following successful completion of Year 1, students must then complete all program requirements of the four-year PhD program.

    • MUS1250H PhD Seminar, taken in the first session of Year 2.

    • MUS3997H Research in Music Theory.

    • 1.0 FCE in graduate-only seminars in music theory.

    • 1.0 FCE in electives, of which 0.5 FCE may be taken outside of musicology, ethnomusicology, and music theory (either in the Graduate Department of Music or another graduate unit). With approval from the CPA committee, one 0.5 FCE course may be deferred to the first session of Year 2.

    • Students may be required to take additional courses or acquire other skills to meet the needs of their proposed subjects of study.

    • A course and program advising (CPA) committee will review course selections. The CPA committee will ensure course selections meet the requirements of the program and are appropriate to the field.

  • A set of three (written) comprehensive exams in (1) history of the field; (2) current issues in the field; and (3) repertoire and analysis, to be taken at the beginning of Year 3.

    • Students are permitted two attempts to complete each exam. A second attempt must take place at the beginning of the second session. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, the department will recommend termination of the student's program.

  • Two research languages in addition to English are required: one secondary and one primary. The goal is to have all language requirements fulfilled by the end of Year 2.

    • The default language for the secondary language requirement is German. Students who wish to choose languages other than German must submit a petition to the Division Head (either Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Students can fulfil the secondary language requirement in one of the following three ways:

      • Complete GER300H at U of T or its equivalent from another university, with a minimum grade of B+; or

      • Complete GER6000H; or

      • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division.

    • Students are expected to complete the secondary language requirement by the end of Year 1.

    • The primary language requirement involves advanced reading proficiency in the chosen language. Students who wish to choose languages other than German must submit a petition to the Division Head (either Musicology or Music Theory) by the end of the first session of Year 1. Information on petitioning is available at the Faculty of Music Graduate Studies Office. Students can fulfil the primary language requirement in one of the following three ways:

      • Complete a 400-level language course at U of T or its equivalent from another university, with a minimum grade of B+; or

      • Pass a proficiency exam set by the Division; or

      • Pass an exam in another graduate unit by arrangement through the Graduate Department of Music.

  • Students are allowed two attempts at the in-house exam, after which they must take a language course at the appropriate MA or PhD level. All language requirements must be completed by the end of Year 3. Exceptions are granted only in extenuating circumstances and by petition.

  • Students must prepare a thesis under the direction of an advisor and a committee and will defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination. The thesis, including bibliography and appendices, should ideally be between 75,000 and 80,000 words in length. The department will not consider a thesis that exceeds 100,000 words.

  • The residency requirement is three years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Applied Music and Health

Master of Music Program; Field: Applied Music and Health

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program (Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Arts in Music) and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition and interview.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 9.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • Year 1:

      • MUS4112Y Clinical Performance Practicum

      • MUS4165Y Applied Music for Clinical Practice

      • MUS4166Y Performance Project

      • MUS7406H Music Psychology

      • MUS7412H Elementary Improvisation Methods

      • MUS7415H Topics in Music and Health Care I

      • MUS7416H Topics in Music and Health Care II

      • 0.5 FCE: an approved counselling elective course

      • Note: students who have not previously completed MUS7400H Introduction to Music and Health Care (or an equivalent course) will be required to complete MUS7400H in Year 1 in addition to the program requirements listed above.

    • Year 2:

      • MUS4115Y Principles of Clinical Performance Pedagogy

      • MUS4188Y Public Capstone Presentation

      • MUS7110H Neurosciences of Music: Scientific Foundations, Clinical Translations

      • MUS7407H Clinical Research Practicum

      • MUS4188Y Public Capstone Presentation

    • 0.5 FCE: elective in Music or, with permission, outside of Music. MUS4120H Clinical Voice Pedagogy is recommended.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Collaborative Piano

Master of Music Program; Field: Collaborative Piano

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 7.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MUS4200Y Critical Approaches to Music History, normally taken in Year 1

    • MUS4444Y Applied Music I

    • MUS4445Y Applied Music II

    • 0.5 FCE selected from

      • MUS4600H Performance Practices Before 1800

      • MUS4610H Analysis and Performance: Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

      • MUS4615H Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music

    • MUS4210H Introduction to Music Analysis

    • MUS4213H Advanced Repertoire for Singers and Pianists I

    • MUS4214H Advanced Repertoire for Singers and Pianists II

    • MUS4502H Collaborative Piano Techniques I

    • MUS4506H Sonata Coaching I

    • MUS4508H Collaborative Piano Techniques II or MUS4509H Collaborative Piano Techniques II Vocal

    • 0.5 FCE: elective.

  • Based on the outcome of preliminary consultations with the department, students may be required to take:

    • MUS4520H Advanced Diction Studies I or

    • MUS4521H Advanced Diction Studies II — Italian or

    • MUS4522H Advanced Diction Studies III.

  • Two recitals, one in each year:

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Composition

Master of Music Program; Field: Composition

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Applicants must submit several original compositions, at least one of which shall be with moderately large instrumentation.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's composition ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete a minimum of 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) taken over two years, including:

    • MUS3100Y MMus Advanced Composition I

    • MUS3105Y MMus Advanced Composition II

    • MUS3990Y MMus Composition Thesis

    • 3.0 elective FCEs.

  • Students may be required to take courses in addition to the 6.0 FCEs based on the results of diagnostic tests in musical analysis, counterpoint, and harmony given upon entrance.

  • Under the guidance of an advisor, each student will prepare an original composition in large form or an electroacoustic composition of comparable dimensions which will be defended at a Final Oral Examination.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Conducting

Master of Music Program; Field: Conducting

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students in choral conducting must complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs). Students in orchestral conducting and wind ensemble conducting must complete 7.0 FCEs.

    • MUS4200Y Critical Approaches to Music History, normally taken in Year 1.

    • 0.5 FCE selected from:

      • MUS4600H Performance Practices Before 1800 or MUS4606H Special Topics in Performance Practice

      • MUS4610H Analysis and Performance: Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

      • MUS4615H Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music

    • MUS4210H Introduction to Music Analysis

    • MUS4444Y Applied Music I

    • MUS4445Y Applied Music II

    • Students in choral conducting must also complete 4.0 FCEs as follows:

    • Students in orchestral conducting must also complete 3.0 FCEs as follows:

    • Students in wind ensemble conducting must also complete 3.0 FCEs as follows:

      • MUS2203H Development of the Wind Band

      • MUS4226H Wind Ensemble Conducting I

      • MUS4227H Wind Ensemble Conducting II

      • MUS4228H Advanced Wind Conducting I

      • MUS4229H Advanced Wind Conducting II

      • 0.5 FCE: elective

  • Two recitals, one in each year:

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Historical Performance

Master of Music Program; Field: Historical Performance

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 7.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 5.0 FCEs must include:

      • MUS4200Y Critical Approaches to Music History, normally taken in Year 1

      • MUS4444Y Applied Music I and MUS4445Y Applied Music II

      • 0.5 FCE selected from:

        • MUS4600H Performance Practices Before 1800

        • MUS4606H Special Topics in Performance Practice

        • MUS4610H Analysis and Performance: Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

        • MUS4615H Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music

      • MUS4210H Introduction to Music Analysis

      • 1.0 FCE in large ensembles:

    • 2.0 elective FCEs from a specified list approved by the department.

  • Two recitals, one in each year. Recitals may include a chamber component with the approval of the department.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Instrumental

Master of Music Program; Field: Instrumental

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 7.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), of which 5.0 FCEs must include:

    • MUS4200Y Critical Approaches to Music History, normally taken in Year 1

    • MUS4210H Introduction to Music Analysis

    • MUS4444Y Applied Music I

    • MUS4445Y Applied Music II

    • 0.5 FCE selected from

      • MUS4600H Performance Practices Before 1800 or MUS4606H Special Topics in Performance Practice

      • MUS4610H Analysis and Performance: Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

      • MUS4615H Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music

    • Students in brass, percussion, strings, and woodwinds will complete 1.0 FCE as two years of ensemble performance. Placement to be determined by audition.

    • Students in piano solo performance must complete MUS5700H Piano Master Class I and MUS5701H Piano Master Class II.

    • In place of the ensemble performance, accordion, guitar, harp, harpsichord, organ, and piano students will select 1.0 FCE in elective courses from a specified list approved by the department.

  • Two recitals, one in each year. Recitals may include a chamber music component with the approval of the department:

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Jazz

Master of Music Program; Field: Jazz

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 7.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) including:

    • MUS4300Y, normally taken in Year 1

    • MUS4444Y Applied Music I

    • MUS4445Y Applied Music II

    • MUS4606H Special Topics in Performance Practice and MUS4615H Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music

    • 1.0 FCE: either

      • MUS4310Y Advanced Jazz Composition and Arranging I or

      • MUS4311Y Advanced Jazz Composition and Arranging II or

      • 1.0 FCE chosen from a specified list approved by the department.

    • Students must also include in their programs 1.0 FCE selected from one or more of the following areas:

  • Two recitals, one in each year. However, students may elect to replace one recital with a significant recording project.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Music Technology and Digital Media

Master of Music Program; Field: Music Technology and Digital Media

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Applicants must submit a portfolio (for example, scores, recordings, multimedia creations) that demonstrates at least two of the following:

    • knowledge of computer applications in music;

    • competency in music performance or composition (acoustic or digital);

    • released body of musical works/recordings as composer, sound engineer, or producer.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition and interview.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 7.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • Year 1 (3.5 FCEs)

      • MUS3610H Music Entrepreneurship: Music and Cities

      • MUS3611H Creative Applications of Technology I

      • MUS3612H Creative Applications of Technology II

      • MUS3614H Sound Recording I

      • MUS3615H Sound Recording II

      • 1.0 elective FCE:

        • 0.5 FCE selected from Music Technology and Digital Media and

        • 0.5 FCE selected from any of the Faculty of Music graduate courses.

    • Year 2 (3.5 FCEs)

      • JDM3619H Digital Media Distribution

      • 2.0 FCEs: electives selected from an approved department list, or from another graduate unit, with permission.

      • MUS3666Y Music Technology and Digital Media Major Project, completed in Year 2, consisting of a new musical composition or version recorded, mixed, produced, and mastered, integrating at least two media such as electronic and acoustic, music for picture, or live performance with multimedia.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Opera

Master of Music Program; Field: Opera

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 7.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MUS4200Y Critical Approaches to Music History, taken in Year 1

    • MUS4210H Introduction to Music Analysis

    • MUS4444Y Applied Music I

    • MUS4445Y Applied Music II

    • MUS4513Y Operatic Repertory, taken in Year 2

    • MUS4900Y Operatic Studies I and MUS4901Y Operatic Studies II

    • 0.5 FCE: elective chosen from a specified list approved by the department.

  • Performance in operatic productions will be evaluated by a committee and assigned grades under MUS4966Y Operatic Roles I and MUS4988Y Operatic Roles II.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Piano Pedagogy

Master of Music; Field: Piano Pedagogy

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 7.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MUS4200Y Critical Approaches to Music History, normally taken in Year 1.

    • MUS4210H Introduction to Music Analysis

    • MUS4444Y Applied Music I.

    • MUS4445Y Applied Music II

    • MUS4270H Piano Pedagogy: Beginning and Intermediate Levels

    • MUS4271H Practicum: Beginning and Intermediate Levels

    • MUS4272H Piano Pedagogy: Advanced and University Levels

    • MUS4273H Practicum: Advanced and University Levels

    • 0.5 FCE selected from:

      • MUS4600H Performance Practices Before 1800

      • MUS4610H Analysis and Performance: Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

      • MUS4615H Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music

    • 1.0 FCE: electives.

  • Two recitals. With approval, one recital may be replaced by a pedagogy project and presentation.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Vocal

Master of Music Program; Field: Vocal

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 7.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 4.0 FCEs must include:

      • MUS4200Y Critical Approaches to Music History, normally taken in Year 1

      • MUS4210H Introduction to Music Analysis

      • MUS4444Y Applied Music I

      • MUS4445Y Applied Music II

      • 0.5 FCE selected from:

        • MUS4600H Performance Practices Before 1800 or MUS4606H Special Topics in Performance Practice;

        • MUS4610H Analysis and Performance: Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries;

        • MUS4615H Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music

    • 3.0 FCEs: electives chosen from a specified list approved by the department.

  • Two recitals. Recitals may include a chamber music component with the approval of the department.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Vocal Pedagogy

Master of Music; Field: Vocal Pedagogy

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to the MMus program must hold a Bachelor of Music degree in the area of specialization from the University of Toronto with an average standing of mid-B or better over the final two years or an equivalent program and standing from another recognized university.

  • Selected applicants must pass an audition.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MUS4200Y Critical Approaches to Music History, normally taken in Year 1

    • MUS4210H Introduction to Music Analysis

    • 0.5 FCE selected from:

      • MUS4213H Advanced Repertoire for Singers and Pianists I

      • MUS4231H Advanced Vocal Repertoire Study I

    • MUS4240Y Introduction to Voice Pedagogy and Vocology

    • MUS4241Y Advanced Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology

    • MUS4248H Optimizing the Singing Mind

    • MUS4444Y Applied Music I

    • MUS4445Y Applied Music II

    • 0.5 FCE selected from

      • MUS4600H Performance Practices Before 1800

      • MUS4610H Analysis and Performance: Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

      • MUS4615H Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music

    • MUS7406H Music Psychology

    • 0.5 FCE: elective chosen from a list of courses approved by the department.

  • Two recitals:

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Music: Music Performance DMA; Field: Composition

Doctor of Musical Arts Program; Field: Composition

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants for the DMA in the Composition field must hold a Master of Music Performance degree specializing in Composition from the University of Toronto, or its equivalent from another recognized university, with an average standing of B+ or better.

  • Two or more extended compositions in various media and a recording of at least one of these works must be submitted together with the application and complete academic credentials.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's composition ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete a minimum of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), including:

    • MUS3300Y DMA Advanced Composition I

    • MUS3305Y DMA Advanced Composition II

    • MUS3999Y Research in Composition, selected in consultation with the advisory committee

    • Students entering from outside the University of Toronto will be given diagnostic tests in musical analysis, counterpoint, and harmony, the result of which may be additional course requirements beyond the 5.0 FCEs.

  • Upon completion of coursework, students are required to present a recital of original works (MUS3888Y DMA Recital of Works) to the satisfaction of the department. In some cases, professional-quality tapes of performances totalling the equivalent of a full recital may be substituted.

  • The thesis for the DMA shall be an extended composition approved by the department, prepared under the supervision of an advisory committee and defended at the Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • The residency requirement is two years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


Music: Music Performance DMA; Field: Performance

Doctor of Musical Arts Program; Field: Performance

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Faculty of Music's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants for the DMA in the Performance field must hold a Master of Music degree specializing in Performance from the University of Toronto, or its equivalent from another university, with an average standing of B+ or better.

  • Applicants are required to pass an audition.

  • An essay of approximately 3,000 words which demonstrates the student's ability to handle a research problem.

  • Applicants, whether from the University of Toronto or elsewhere, may be interviewed by the department.

  • Two letters of reference commenting on the applicant's music performance ability, academic ability, and professional promise.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete a minimum of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MUS4800Y DMA Seminar, taken in the first session.

    • MUS4899H Research in Performance, begun in the second session.

    • MUS4844Y Advanced Applied Music I.

    • MUS4845Y Advanced Applied Music II.

    • The remaining 1.5 FCEs must be graduate seminar courses.

    • Coursework should be completed by the end of Year 2 with an average grade of at least A–. Exceptions to the time of completion are:

      • MUS4899Y Research in Performance, to be taken in the Winter session of Year 1 and the Fall of Year 2, which lays the groundwork for the dissertation research and leads to a field examination at the end of Year 2; and

      • MUS4845Y Advanced Applied Music II. Students may be required to take additional courses or acquire other skills to meet the needs of their proposed areas of study.

  • Students are permitted two attempts to complete the field examination. If students are unsuccessful in their second attempt at the field examination, the department will make a recommendation for program termination.

  • Three DMA recitals.

    • MUS4866Y DMA Recital I.

    • MUS4877Y DMA Recital II.

    • MUS4888Y DMA Recital III.

    • The format of these recitals will be determined in consultation with the supervisor and the supervisory committee.

  • Reading knowledge of one language other than English is required. The required language will be determined by the department. The department may require competence in additional languages. All remaining course and language requirements, including the field exam, must be completed successfully by the end of Year 2.

  • The residency requirement is two years, whereby students must be on campus full-time and consequently in geographical proximity to be able to participate fully in the University activities associated with the program.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


Music: Music MA, PhD; Field: Music and Health Sciences Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
MUS4120HClinical Voice Pedagogy
Neurosciences of Music: Scientific Foundations, Clinical Translations
Special Research Topic in Music and Health
Introduction to Music and Health Care
Health in Music Performance
Music Psychology
MUS7407HClinical Research Practicum
MUS7412HElementary Improvisation Methods
Topics in Music and Health
Topics in Music and Health II
Music and Health Doctoral Research Project
Readings in Advanced Topics in Music and Health

Music: Music MA, PhD; Field: Music Education Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Music in Cultural Perspective
Music for Children
Music and Social Movements
Introduction to Research in Music Education
Advanced Topics in Research in Music Education
Musically Queer
MUS2114HBlack Music and Music Education
Truth and Reconciliation
MUS2116HMoral Economy of Death in Music, Education, and Pedagogy
MUS2117HSound Studies and Music Education
Jazz Education
Philosophy and Music Education
Contemporary Perspectives in Music Education
Curriculum Inquiry
Teacher Perspectives in Music Education
Social Psychology of Music
Curriculum and Instruction in Instrumental Music
(Un)popular Music Education
Special Topics in Music Education
Development of the Wind Band
Conducting and Teaching Choral Music I
Conducting and Teaching Choral Music II
MA Major Essay (Music Education)
Music Education Doctoral Research Project
Reading in Advanced Topics in Music Education
MUS3231HConducting for Composers
Music Psychology
Elementary Improvisation Methods

Music: Music MA, PhD; Field: Music Theory Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
MUS1006HPublic Music Scholarship
PhD Seminar
MA Major Paper
Individual Reading and Research
Seminar in Schenkerian Analysis I
Symphonic Modernisms, 1900–1925
Romantic Form
MUS3243HThe Music of Elliott Carter
Current Compositional Practices
MUS3250HAlternatives: Music out of the Mainstream
MUS3251HLate Schubert
MUS3261HTheory and Analysis of Popular Music
MUS3262HTheoretical Perspectives on Global Musics
MUS3265HMusic Cognition
MUS3266HPublic Music Theory
Pedagogy of Music Theory
Cognitive Perspectives in Music Theory
Theory and Analysis of Atonal Music
Extended Tonal Techniques in Twentieth-Century Music
Topics in the History of Music Theory: 1600–1950
MUS3406HCurrent Perspectives on Music Theory
MUS3411HAnalytical Methodologies
Theories of Rhythm and Metre
Music and Drama in Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen
Research in Music Theory

Music: Music MA, PhD; Fields: Ethnomusicology and Musicology Courses

Final course offerings may vary. Students should consult the departmental handbook.

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Music Research I
Fieldwork Methods and Practicum
MUS1005HPublic Musicology
MUS1006HPublic Music Scholarship
The Ballets Russes
Approaches to Meaning in the Renaissance Motet
Performing Politics: Individuality and the Collective in Music and Dance
Music and Politics
Music History Pedagogy
Music and the Racial and Ethnic Imaginations
MUS1069HRemix Music, from Analogue to Digital
MUS1070HMusic, Genre, and Variation
MUS1106HEarly Music in Canada
MUS1131HPopular Music and the Immaterial: From Spirituality to Virtuality
MUS1132HCommunity-Engaged Music Archiving
Music, Capital, Markets, and Industries
MUS1135HMusic, Sound, and the Environment
MUS1137HNationalism in Music and Dance
Romantic Musings on the Middle Ages
MUS1141HEthnomusicology of Voice
MUS1142HSound, Music, and Everyday Life
Music in the Films of Sir Alfred Hitchcock
MUS1145HSonic Innovations in Black Popular Musics
MUS1146HGeographies of Opera: Wagner and Puccini
MUS1147HMusic After the DJ, from Soundsystems to Serato
MUS1148HMusical Anthropologies of Listening
MUS1149HHip-Hop in the City
MUS1150HMusic and Land: Sounds of Belonging and Exclusion
Listening to Cities: Music, Sound, and Noise in Urban Environments
Health, Aging and Popular Music
Diegetic Music in Film
MUS1247HSounds and Discourses of Hybridity in Latin American and Caribbean Music
PhD Seminar
MUS1255HIssues in Music and Philosophy
MUS1258HKeywords in African Sound
Music and the Enlightenment
Popular Music and Identity
Music and East Asian Modernity
Music and Circulation
19th-Century Music and Discourses of Nature
Sound and Music in the Middle East
Music and Material Culture
Music and Cultures of Listening in Late Modernity
Ethnomusicology without Music
Analysis and its Futures in Ethnomusicology
MUS1281HEthnomusicology Dissertation Writing Seminar
MA Major Paper or Project
Research in Ethnomusicology
Individual Reading and Research
Research in Musicology
MUS3265HMusic Cognition
MUS3266HPublic Music Theory

Music: Music Performance MMus, DMA; Field: Composition Courses

Final course offerings may vary. Students should consult the departmental handbook.

Course CodeCourse Title
MMus Advanced Composition I
Seminar in Schenkerian Analysis I
Seminar in Schenkerian Analysis II
MMus Advanced Composition II
Classical Orchestration
MUS3114HCounterpoint and Diversity
MUS3115HCounterpoint: A Practical Exercise in Democracy
MUS3116HLearning from the Visual Arts for Composers
Score Analysis for Composers and Conductors
Advanced Orchestration
MUS3205HScore Analysis II for Composers and Conductors
MUS3207HRhythm: Compositional Approaches to Measuring Time
MUS3211HComposing for Dance
Composing for Chamber Ensemble
MUS3214HMusic and the Machine
MUS3219HThe Composer as Philosopher
MUS3220HTimbre and Orchestration Studies
Composing for Film
Sonata Form
Music of Gubaidulina, Coulthard, and Chen
MUS3228HClassical Form
The Twentieth-Century Symphony
MUS3230HThe Music of Messiaen, Schnittke, and Pärt
MUS3231HConducting for Composers
Romantic Form
MUS3233HCompositional Identity and Practice in the 21st Century
Music Recording
MUS3255HComposing Music
MUS3260HThe New Polish School of Composition
DMA Advanced Composition I
DMA Advanced Composition II
Pedagogy of Music Theory
Theory and Analysis of Atonal Music
Extended Tonal Techniques in the Twentieth Century
Advanced Analysis
Advanced Analysis: 1850–1910
Theories of Rhythm and Metre
Introduction to Operatic Composition
MUS3420HComposing for Percussion
Composing for Theatre
Electroacoustic Music
Advanced Electro-acoustic Composition
DMA Recital of Works
MMus Composition Thesis
Reading and Research in Composition
Research in Composition
Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music

Music: Music Performance MMus, DMA; Field: Performance Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
MUS4120HClinical Voice Pedagogy
Critical Approaches to Music History
Introduction to Music Analysis
Advanced Repertoire for Singers and Pianists I
Advanced Repertoire for Singers and Pianists II
Perspectives on the Business of Music Performance
Orchestral Conducting I
Orchestral Conducting II
Advanced Orchestral Conducting
Choral Conducting I
Choral Conducting II
Advanced Choral Conducting
Wind Ensemble Conducting I
Wind Ensemble Conducting II
Advanced Wind Conducting I
Advanced Wind Conducting II
Advanced Vocal Repertoire Study I
Advanced Vocal Repertoire Study II
MUS4233HPerforming as a Freelance Musician in North America
Explorations in Performance
Introduction to Voice Pedagogy and Vocology
MUS4241HAdvanced Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology
Advanced Concepts in Singing and Vocology
Optimizing the Singing Mind
Piano Pedagogy: Beginning and Intermediate Levels
Practicum: Beginning and Intermediate Levels
Piano Pedagogy: Advanced and University Levels
Practicum: Advanced and University Levels
MUS4274HAdvanced Performance: Piano Technology and Technique
Readings and Research in Performance Studies
Seminar in Jazz Studies
Advanced Ear Training and Harmony
Rhythm for Improvisation
Advanced Jazz Composition and Arranging I
Advanced Jazz Composition and Arranging II
Advanced Jazz Improvisation I
Advanced Jazz Improvisation 2
Piano Literature — Baroque and Classical
Fretboard Harmony: Common Practice Harmony on the Guitar
Guitar Pedagogy: Method and Practice
History and Literature of the Guitar
Improvisation for Strings
Flute-Guitar Masterclass
MUS4440HFlute-Guitar Masterclass II
Applied Music I
Applied Music II
Collaborative Piano Techniques I
Sonata Coaching I
Sonata Coaching II
Collaborative Piano Techniques II
Collaborative Piano Techniques II Vocal
Operatic Répétiteur
MUS4513YOperatic Repertory
Advanced Diction Studies I
Advanced Diction Studies II — Italian
MUS4522HAdvanced Diction Studies III
Advanced Diction Studies — English
Performance Practices Before 1800
Special Topics in Performance Practice
World Music Ensembles: Practical and Analytical Studies
Analysis and Performance: Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Performance Techniques for Hospice Palliative Care
Analysis and Performance Practices of Twentieth-Century Music
Topics in Interactive Digital Media and Performance
The 21st-Century Creative Performer: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry to Performance and Performance Practice
MUS4626HMusic Internship
MUS4626YMusic Internship
Major Ensemble I
Major Ensemble II
Major Ensemble IV
Contemporary Chamber Ensemble I
Contemporary Chamber Ensemble II
Chamber Music I
Chamber Music II
Chamber Choir III
Opera I
Opera II
Opera III
Opera IV
Small Group Jazz Performance I
Small Group Jazz Performance II
Small Group Jazz Performance III
Baroque String Repertoire
Jazz Orchestra I
Jazz Orchestra II
Jazz Orchestra III
Jazz Orchestra IV
Vocal Jazz Ensemble I
Vocal Jazz Ensemble II
Vocal Jazz Ensemble III
Vocal Jazz Ensemble IV
Instrumental Performance Class Woodwinds II
Oratorio Ensemble I
Oratorio Ensemble II
Schola Cantorum I
Schola Cantorum II
Collegium Musicum I
Collegium Musicum I
Orchestral Studies I
Orchestral Studies II
Instrumental Performance Class Woodwinds
Instrumental Performance — Guitar
Instrumental Performance — Guitar II
Piano/Instrumental I
Piano/Instrumental II
DMA Seminar
Seminar in Performance Pedagogy
Researching Performance/Performing Research
MUS4819HString Pedagogy Practicum
DMA Study in Masterclass Teaching
DMA Study in Undergraduate Piano Pedagogy
MUS4822HDMA Study in Applied Studio Teaching
MUS4823HSound and Vision: Techniques in Research-Creation
Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Interpretive Analysis
Advanced Applied Music I
Advanced Applied Music II
DMA Elective Recital
DMA Recital I
DMA Recital II
DMA Recital III
Research in Performance
MUS4899YResearch in Performance
Operatic Studies I
Operatic Studies II
Operatic Roles I
Operatic Roles II
Piano Master Class I
Piano Master Class II
Instrumental Performance — Violin and Viola I
Instrumental Performance — Violin and Viola II
Instrumental Performance — Violin and Viola III
MUS5714HInstrumental Performance: Cello-Bass I
MUS5715HInstrumental Performance: Cello-Bass II
MUS5716HInstrumental Performance: Cello-Bass III
Recital I
Elementary Improvisation Methods
Recital II

Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Applied Music and Health Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
MUS4120HClinical Voice Pedagogy
Clinical Performance Practicum
Principles of Clinical Performance Pedagogy
MUS4165YApplied Music for Clinical Practice
Performance Project
Public Capstone Presentation
MUS7110HNeurosciences of Music: Scientific Foundations, Clinical Translations
MUS7400HIntroduction to Music and Health Care
MUS7407HClinical Research Practicum
MUS7412HElementary Improvisation Methods
Topics in Music and Health Care I
Topics in Music and Health Care II

Music: Music Performance MMus; Field: Music Technology and Digital Media Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
MUS3214HMusic and the Machine
Music Entrepreneurship: Music and Cities
Creative Applications of Technology I
Creative Applications of Technology II
Musical Acoustics
Sound Recording I
Sound Recording II
Music Mixing and Production
Production for Multi-Channel Immersive Audio
Studio Orchestration and Arranging
Digital Media Distribution
MUS3620HTechnical Ear Training
MUS3621HStudio Acoustics and Recording Systems
MUS3624HTopics in Interactive Digital Media and Performance
MUS3630HInteractive Music and Sound for Video Games
MUS3632HVideo for Intermedia Performance
Music Technology and Digital Media Major Project
MUS3806HComputer-Assisted Sound Design and Composition