Addiction Studies: Doctoral Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants who wish to enrol in the collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units. They must contact the collaborating professor within their graduate unit directly.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must meet all requirements of their home graduate unit in terms of coursework and thesis work, or equivalent.
  • Doctoral students in the collaborative specialization are required to complete:

    • PAS3700H Multidisciplinary Aspects of Addictions, if they have not already done so

    • an additional 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) (not taken previously) from the following list of approved elective courses or an approved directed reading course:

      • APD1291H Addictive Behaviours: Approaches to Assessment and Intervention

      • CHL5120H Population Health Perspectives on Mental Health and Addictions

      • CHL5417H Tobacco and Health: From Cells to Society

      • MSC1085H Molecular Approaches to Mental Health and Addictions

      • PAS3701H Advanced Research Issues in Addictions

      • PCL3100H Behavioural Pharmacology I

      • PCL3101H Behavioural Pharmacology II

      • SWK4616H Drug Dependencies: Interventive Approaches.

  • The student's thesis must deal with a subject in the field of addictions. The thesis is supervised and evaluated in the same manner as others in the home graduate unit, but normally involves, as appropriate, supervisory and examining professors from other disciplines represented in the collaborative specialization. In collaborating graduate units that do not require a thesis, a practicum or major research paper will be accepted instead of a thesis, as long as the topic or focus is directly related to addictions. In collaborating graduate units that do not have a thesis or equivalent requirement, students must take a third 0.5 FCE from the list of approved electives.