Graduate Programs at a Glance

Degree Programs

All degree programs are offered full-time unless otherwise ​indicated.


Extended full-time option
Flexib​le-time program option available in addition to full-time program
Part-time option available in addition to full-time program
Program only offered part-time


Graduate UnitProgramDegrees
Aerospace StudiesAerospace Science and EngineeringMaster of Applied ScienceMaster of Engineering with full-time, extended full-time, and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
AnthropologyAnthropologyMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Applied Psychology and Human DevelopmentChild Study and EducationMaster of ArtsDoctor of Education
 Counselling and Clinical PsychologyMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
 Counselling PsychologyMaster of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Education with full-time and part-time options
 Developmental Psychology and EducationMaster of ArtsMaster of Education with full- time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full- time and flexible-time options
 School and Clinical Child PsychologyMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Architecture, Landscape, and DesignArchitectureMaster of Architecture
 Architecture, Landscape, and DesignDoctor of Philosophy
 Landscape ArchitectureMaster of Landscape Architecture
 Urban DesignMaster of Urban Design
 Visual StudiesMaster of Visual Studies
Art HistoryArt HistoryMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Astronomy and AstrophysicsAstronomy and AstrophysicsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
BiochemistryBiochemistryMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Biomedical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringMaster of Applied ScienceMaster of Engineering with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
 Clinical EngineeringMaster of Health Science
Cell and Systems BiologyCell and Systems BiologyMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Chemical Engineering and Applied ChemistryChemical Engineering and Applied ChemistryMaster of Applied ScienceMaster of Engineering with full-time, extended full-time, and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
ChemistryChemistryMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Cinema StudiesCinema StudiesMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Civil and Mineral EngineeringCities Engineering and ManagementMaster of Engineering in Cities Engineering and Management with full-time and extended full-time options
 Civil EngineeringMaster of Applied ScienceMaster of Engineering with full-time, extended full-time, and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
ClassicsClassicsMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Comparative LiteratureComparative LiteratureMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Computer ScienceApplied ComputingMaster of Science in Applied Computing
 Computer ScienceMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Criminology and Sociolegal StudiesCriminology and Sociolegal StudiesMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Curriculum, Teaching and LearningCurriculum and PedagogyMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
 Language and Literacies EducationMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
 TeachingMaster of Teaching
DentistryDentistryMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Drama, Theatre and Performance StudiesDrama, Theatre and Performance StudiesMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Earth SciencesEarth SciencesMaster of Applied ScienceMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
East Asian StudiesEast Asian StudiesMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyEcology and Evolutionary BiologyMaster of Science
EconomicsEconomicsMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time options
Electrical and Computer EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringMaster of Applied ScienceMaster of Engineering with full-time, extended full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
EnglishEnglishMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time options
EnvironmentEnvironment and SustainabilityMaster of Environment and Sustainability
European and Eurasian StudiesEuropean and Eurasian StudiesMaster of Arts
Financial EconomicsFinancial EconomicsMaster of Financial Economics
ForestryForest ConservationMaster of Forest Conservation with full-time, extended full-time and part-time options
 ForestryMaster of Science in ForestryDoctor of Philosophy
French Language and LiteratureFrench Language and LiteratureMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Geography and PlanningGeographyMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
 PlanningMaster of Science in Planning with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Germanic Languages and LiteraturesGermanic Languages and LiteraturesMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time options
 Germanic Literature, Culture and TheoryDoctor of Philosophy
Global Affairs and Public PolicyGlobal AffairsMaster of Global Affairs
 Public PolicyMaster of Public Policy
Health Policy, Management and EvaluationHealth AdministrationMaster of Health Science
 Health InformaticsMaster of Health Informatics
 Health Policy, Management and EvaluationMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
HistoryHistoryMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
History and Philosophy of Science and TechnologyHistory and Philosophy of Science and TechnologyMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
ImmunologyImmunologyMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Industrial Relations and Human ResourcesIndustrial Relations and Human ResourcesMaster of Industrial Relations and Human Resources with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
InformationInformationMaster of Information with full-time and part-time options
 Information StudiesDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
 Museum StudiesMaster of Museum Studies
Italian StudiesItalian StudiesMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
KinesiologyKinesiologyMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
 Professional KinesiologyMaster of Professional Kinesiology
Laboratory Medicine and PathobiologyLaboratory MedicineMaster of Health Science
 Laboratory Medicine and PathobiologyMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
 Translational Research in the Health SciencesMaster of Health Science
LawGlobal Professional LawGlobal Professional Master of Laws with extended full-time option
 LawMaster of Laws with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Studies in LawDoctor of Juridical Science
Leadership, Higher and Adult EducationAdult Education and Community DevelopmentMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
 Educational Leadership and PolicyMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
 Higher EducationMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
LinguisticsLinguisticsMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Management & InnovationBiotechnologyMaster of Biotechnology
 Forensic AccountingMaster of Forensic Accounting
 Management & Professional AccountingMaster of Management and Professional Accounting
 Management of InnovationMaster of Management of Innovation
 Sustainability ManagementMaster of Science in Sustainability Management
 Urban InnovationMaster of Urban Innovation
Management, Rotman School ofFinanceMaster of Finance with full-time and part-time options
​​​Financial Risk ManagementMaster of Financial Risk Management
 ManagementMaster of Business Administration with full-time and extended full-time options
 Management AnalyticsMaster of Management Analytics
Management, Tri-campusManagementDoctor of Philosophy
Management, University of Toronto ScarboroughAccounting and FinanceMaster of Accounting and Finance
Materials Science and EngineeringMaterials Science and EngineeringMaster of Applied ScienceMaster of Engineering with full-time, extended full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
Mathematical FinanceMathematical FinanceMaster of Mathematical Finance with full-time and part-time options
MathematicsMathematicsMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Mechanical and Industrial EngineeringMechanical and Industrial Engineering
Medical BiophysicsMedical BiophysicsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Medical ScienceBiomedical CommunicationsMaster of Science in Biomedical Communications
 Medical ScienceMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Medieval StudiesMedieval StudiesMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Molecular GeneticsGenetic CounsellingMaster of Science
 Medical GenomicsMaster of Health Science
 Molecular GeneticsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
MusicMusicMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
 Music PerformanceMaster of MusicDoctor of Musical Arts
Near and Middle Eastern CivilizationsNear and Middle Eastern CivilizationsMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Nursing ScienceNursing ScienceMaster of Nursing Doctor of NursingDoctor of Philosophy
Nutritional SciencesNutritional SciencesMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Occupational Science and Occupational TherapyOccupational TherapyMaster of Science in Occupational Therapy
Pharmaceutical SciencesPharmaceutical SciencesMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
 PharmacyMaster of Science in Pharmacy
Pharmacology and ToxicologyPharmacologyMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
PhilosophyPhilosophyMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Physical and Environmental SciencesEnvironmental Science
Physical TherapyPhysical TherapyMaster of Science in Physical Therapy
PhysicsPhysicsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
PhysiologyMedical PhysiologyMaster of Health Science
 PhysiologyMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Political SciencePolitical ScienceMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Psychological Clinical ScienceCounselling and Clinical PsychologyMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
PsychologyPsychologyMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Public Health SciencesBioethicsMaster of Health Science
 Community HealthMaster of Science in Community Health with full-time and part-time options
 Public Health SciencesMaster of Public Health with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Science with full-time and part-time options Doctor of Public Health Doctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
Rehabilitation Sciences​Rehabilitation ScienceMaster of Science with full-time and part-time options
ReligionReligionMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Slavic and East European Languages and CulturesSlavic Languages and LiteraturesMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Social Justice EducationSocial Justice EducationMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsMaster of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Education with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy with full-time and flexible-time options
Social WorkSocial WorkMaster of Social Work with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
SociologySociologyMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
SpanishSpanishMaster of Arts with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Speech-Language PathologySpeech-Language PathologyMaster of Health Science
Statistical SciencesFinancial InsuranceMaster of Financial Insurance
​StatisticsMaster of Science with full-time and part-time optionsDoctor of Philosophy
Women and Gender StudiesWomen and Gender StudiesMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy

Combined Degree Programs

Undergraduate / Master's Degree Programs

Master of Arts

​Degre​​es in the Combination
Combined Degree Program
Bachelor of Applied Science /
Master of Business Administration
ST​G, The Jeffrey Skoll Combined Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering /
Management, Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration /
Master of Accounting and Finance
UTSC, Bachelor of Business Administration, Specialist in Management and Accounting /
Master of Accounting and Finance
Bachelor of Business Administration /
Master of Accounting and Finance
UTSC, Bachelor of Business Administration, Specialist Co-op in Management and Accounting /
Master of Accounting and Finance
Bachelor of Kinesiology /
Master of Teaching
STG, Bachelor of Kinesiology /
Master of Teaching
Bachelor of Physical and Health Education /
STG, Bachelor of Physical and Health Education /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Arts
STG, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Minor in Education and Society /
Child Study and Education, Master of Arts
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in Environmental Management /
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist in Environmental Management /
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
STG, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in English /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
STG, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in History /
Master of Teaching​
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
STG, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in Sociology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in French Studies /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in Language Teaching and Learning: French /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist in French Studies /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist in Language Teaching and Learning: French and Italian /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in English /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major Co-op in English /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in French /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major Co-op in French /
Master of Teaching​
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in History /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in Human Geography /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in Socio-Cultural Anthropology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in Sociology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Major in Theatre and Performance /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist in English /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist Co-op in English /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist in French /
Master of Teaching​
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist Co-op in French /
Master of Teaching​
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist in History /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist in Human Geography /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist in Socio-Cultural Anthropology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Arts /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Specialist in Sociology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Arts
STG, Honours Bachelor of Science, Minor in Education and Society /
Child Study and Education, Master of Arts
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Arts
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Psychology /
Child Study and Education, Master of Arts
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Arts
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Exceptionality in Human Learning /
Child Study and Education, Master of Arts
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Arts
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Psychology /
Child Study and Education, Master of Arts
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in​ Global Environmental Change /
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Global Environmental Change /
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering​​
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Global Environmental Change /
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering​
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Global Environmental Change /
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering​​
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Chemistry​ /
Chemical Engineering ​and Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Environmental Chemistry /
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering​
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Chemistry /
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering​
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Environmental Chemistry /
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Geoscience /
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Environmental Geoscience /
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Geoscience /
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Environmental Geoscience /
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Physics /
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Environmental Physics /
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Physics /
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Engineering
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Environmental Physics /
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Conservation and Biodiversity /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Global Environmental Change /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Global Environmental Change /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Chemistry /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Environmental Chemistry /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Geoscience /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Environmental Geoscience /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Physics /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Environmental Physics /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Environmental Science
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Integrative Biology /
Master of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Environmental Science /
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Science /
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Social Work
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Mental Health Studies /
Master of Social Work​​
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Social Work
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Mental Health Studies /
Master of Social Work​
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
STG, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Mathematics /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
STG, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Psychology​ /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Biology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Biology for Health Sciences /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Chemistry /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Mathematical Sciences /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Physics /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Astronomical Sciences /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Biological Chemistry /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Biology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Chemistry /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Comparative Physiology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Ecology and Evolution /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Forensic Biology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Forensic Chemistry /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Mathematical Sciences /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTM, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Molecular Biology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Biology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science/
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Conservation and Biodiversity /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Evolutionary Anthropology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Human Biology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Molecular Biology, Immunology and Disease /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Physics and ​Astrophysics /
Master of Teaching​
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Major in Plant Biology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Conservation and Biodiversity /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Global Environmental Change /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Global Environmental Change /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Evolutionary Anthropology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Human Biology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Integrative Biology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Mathematics /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Mathematics /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist Co-op in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
Honours Bachelor of Science /
Master of Teaching
UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Physics and ​Astrophysics /
Master of Teaching​
Bachelor of Music /
Master of Teaching
Second-Entry Undergraduate / Master's Degree Programs
​Degrees in the Combination​
Combined Degree Program
Doctor of Medicine /
Master of Business Administration
Medicine, Doctor of /
Management, Master of Business Administration
Juris Doctor /​
Master of Arts
Juris Doctor /​
Master of Arts
Juris Doctor /​
Master of Arts
Juris Doctor /​
Master of Arts
Juris Doctor /​
Master of Business Administration
Juris Doctor /​
Master of Global Affairs
Juris Doctor /​
Master of Information
Juris Doctor /​
Master of Public Policy
Juris Doctor /​
Master of Social Work
Doctor of Pharmacy /
Master of Business Administration​​
Second-Entry Undergraduate / Doctoral Degree Programs
​Degre​​es in the Combination
Combined Degree Program
Doctor of Medicine ​/
Doctor of Philosophy
Juris Doctor ​/
Doctor of Philosophy
STG, Law, Juris Doctor /
Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, Doctor of Philosophy
Juris Doctor ​/
Doctor of Philosophy
Juris Doctor ​/
Doctor of Philosophy
Juris Doctor ​/
Doctor of Philosophy
Master's / Master's Degree Programs
Degrees in the Combination
​Combined Degree Program
Master of Business Administration /
Master of Global Affairs
STG, Management, M​aster of Business Administration /
Master of Global Affairs
Master of Information /
Master of Museum Studies
STG, Master of Information /
Master of Museum Studies

Dual Degree Programs

Graduate Unit
Program Name
Applied Psychology and Human DevelopmentMaster of Education (University of Toronto) / Master of Applied Psychology (Zhejang University)Dual Degree in Master of Education and Master of Applied Psychology
 Master of Education (University of Toronto) / Master of Medicine (China Medical University)Dual Degree in Master of Education and Master of Medicine
 Master of Education (University of Toronto) / Master of Science (China Medical University)Dual Degree in Master of Education and Master of Science
Global Affairs and Public PolicyMaster of Global Affairs (University of Toronto) /
Master of International Affairs (Hertie School of Governance)
Dual Degree in Master of Global Affairs and Master of International Affairs
 Master of Global Affairs (University of Toronto) /
Master of Public Administration (London School of Economics)
Dual Degree in Master of Global Affairs and Master of Public Administration
Master of Global Affairs (University of Toronto) /
Master of Public Policy (Sciences Po)
Dual Degree in Master of Global Affairs and Master of Public Policy
Bachelor of Laws (National University of Singapore) /
Master of Laws (University of Toronto)
Dual Degree in Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws
 Bachelor of Laws (Torcuato Di Tella University) /
Master of Laws (University of Toronto)
Dual Degree in Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws
 Bachelor of Laws (Tsinghua University) /
Master of Laws (University of Toronto) *
Dual Degree in Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws
 Master of Laws (University of Toronto) /
Juris Master (Tsinghua University) *
Dual Degree in Master of Laws and Juris Master
 Master of Laws (University of Toronto) /
Master of Laws (Tsinghua University) *
Dual Degree in Master of Laws and Master of Laws
Management, Rotman School of ManagementGlobal Executive Master of Business Administration (University of Toronto / Bocconi University)Dual Degree in Global Executive Master of Business Administration
PhysicsMaster of Science in Physics (University of Toronto) / Master in Physics (Sapienza Università di Roma) / Master in Physics (Université Paris-Saclay)MSc / Master in Physics
 Master of Science in Physics (University of Toronto) / Master in Physics (Sapienza Università di Roma) / Master in Physics (Universidade do Porto)MSc / Master in Physics

* Admissions have been administratively suspended for the 2025-26 admissions cycle.

Collaborative Specializations

​​​​Collaborative SpecializationPartici​pating Degree ProgramsDegrees
Addiction StudiesCounselling and Clinical Psychology (field: Clinical Psychology)
Criminology and Sociolegal Studies
Medical Science
Nursing Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Social Work
Master of Arts

Doctor of PhilosophyMaster of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public HealthMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Social WorkDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Aging, Palliative and Supportive Care Across the Life CourseAdult Education and Community Development
Counselling and Clinical Psychology
Counselling Psychology
Health Administration
Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Medical Science
Nursing Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
Social Work
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of EducationDoctor of Education
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Health Science
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of InformationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of NursingDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public HealthMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Social WorkDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Ancient and Medieval PhilosophyClassics
Medieval Studies
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
BioethicsHealth Administration
Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Medical Science
Nursing Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
Social Work
Women and Gender Studies​
Master of Health Science
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of LawsDoctor of Juridical Science
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of NursingDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public HealthMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Biomedical Engineering (admissions suspended)Biochemistry
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Medical Biophysics
Medical Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Book History and Print CultureArt History
Comparative Literature
East Asian Studies
French Language and Literature
Germanic Languages and Literatures
Germanic Literature, Culture and Theory
History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
Italian Studies
Medieval Studies
Museum Studies
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of InformationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Museum Studies
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts Doctor of Philosophy
Cardiovascular SciencesBiomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Medical Biophysics
Medical Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied Science
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Community Development
(admissions suspended)
Adult Education and Community Development
Counselling and Clinical Psychology (field: Counselling and Psychotherapy)
Counselling Psychology
Public Health Sciences
Social Work
Master of ArtsMaster of Education
Master of Arts

Master of Education
Master of Arts
Master of Science in Planning
Master of Public Health
Master of Social Work
Comparative, International and Development EducationAdult Education and Community Development
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Educational Leadership and Policy
Higher Education
Language and Literacies Education
Social Justice Education
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Contemporary East and Southeast Asian StudiesAnthropology
East Asian Studies
Global Affairs
Political Science
Public Policy
Social Work
Women and Gender Studies
Master of Arts
Master of Arts
Master of Arts
Master of Global Affairs
Master of Arts
Master of Business Administration
Master of Science in Planning
Master of Arts
Master of Public Policy
Master of Social Work
Master of Arts
Master of Arts
Developmental BiologyBiochemistry
Biomedical Engineering
Cell and Systems Biology
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Medical Science
Molecular Genetics
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Development Policy and PowerAnthropology
Environmental Science
Political Science
Public Health
Social Justice Education
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsMaster of Science
Master of Environmental Science
Master of Arts
Master of Arts
Master of Public Health
Master of ArtsMaster of Education

Diaspora and Transnational StudiesAnthropology
Art History
Cinema Studies
Comparative Literature
Criminology and Sociolegal Studies
Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
Germanic Languages and Literature
Germanic Literature, Culture and Theory
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Political Science
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Social Justice Education
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Editing Ancient and Medieval Texts
(admissions have closed)
Italian Studies
Medieval Studies
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Education, Francophonies and DiversityCurriculum and Pedagogy
Language and Literacies Education
Social Justice Education
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Educational Policy
(admissions suspended)
Adult Education and Community Development
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Developmental Psychology and Education
Educational Leadership and Policy
Higher Education
Language and Literacies Education
Social Justice Education
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Engineering EducationChemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Civil Engineering
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Higher Education
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Environmental StudiesAdult Education and Community Development
Architecture, Landscape, and Design
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Earth Sciences
Environmental Science
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Forest Conservation
Global Affairs
Landscape Architecture
Political Science
Public Policy
Social Justice Education
Sustainability Management
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of Science

Environment and HealthAdult Education and Community Development
Architecture, Landscape, and Design
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Community Health
Environmental Science
Forest Conservation
Landscape Architecture
Medical Science
Public Health Sciences
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceMaster of EngineeringPhDDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Science in Community Health
Master of Environmental ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Forest Conservation
Master of Science in ForestryDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Landscape Architecture
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of MusicDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Science in PlanningDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public HealthDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism StudiesAnthropology
​Educational Leadership and Policy
European and Russian Affair​​​s
Global Affairs
Industrial Relations and Human Resources
Language and Literacies Education
Political Science
Public Policy
Social Justice Education
Social Work
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Global Affairs
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Industrial Relations and Human ResourcesDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public Policy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Social WorkDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Food StudiesAnthropology
East Asian Studies
Environmental Science
Geography and Planning
Medieval Studies
Museum Studies
Nutritional Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of PhilosophyDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Information
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Museum Studies
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Genome Biology and BioinformaticsBiochemistry
Biomedical Engineering
Cell and Systems Biology
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Computer Science
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Medical Biophysics
Medical Science
Molecular Genetics
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Global Health (U of T Global Scholar)
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Community Health
Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Medical Science
Nursing Science
Nutritional Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Political Science
Public Health Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceMaster of EngineeringDoctor of Philosophy
MScCH Master of Science in Community Health

Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science (thesis only)Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science in PlanningDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Public HealthMaster of Science (thesis only)Doctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Health Services and Policy Research (admissions suspended)Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
Social Work
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science
Doctor of Philosophy
Indigenous Health
(admissions suspended)
Adult Education and Community Development
Couns​elling and Clinical Psychology
Counselling Psychology
Medical Science
​Nutritional Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Social Justice Education
MA, Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of EducationDoctor of Education
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public HealthDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Jewish StudiesAnthropology
Art History
Comparative Literature
Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
European and​ Russian Affairs
Germanic Languages and Literatures
Germanic Literature, Culture and Theory
Medieval Studies
Museum Studies
Music Performance
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Political Science
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of LawsMaster of Studies in LawDoctor of Juridical Science
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Museum Studies
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Musical Arts
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Knowledge Media DesignArchitecture
Computer Science
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
Landscape Architecture
Language and Literacies Education
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Medical Science
Museum Studies
Urban Design
Master of Architecture
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts

Mediterranean ArchaeologyAnthropology
Art History
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Musculoskeletal SciencesBiomedical Engineering
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Medical Science
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Rehabilitation Science
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
NeuromodulationBiomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Medical Science
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Biomedical Engineering
Cell and Systems Biology
Community Health
Computer Science
Developmental Psychology and Education
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Medical Biophysics
Medical Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Health Science
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Science in Community Health
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts

Next-Generation Precision MedicineChemistry
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Molecular Genetics
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Psychology, Psychiatry and EngineeringAerospace Science and Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Medical Science
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Public Health Policy (admissions suspended)Global Affairs
Health Administration
Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Nutritional Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Public Policy
Social Work
Master of Global Affairs
Master of Health Science
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public HealthMSc, Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public Policy
Master of Social WorkDoctor of Philosophy
Resuscitation Sciences
(admissions suspended)
Biomedical Engineering
Community Health
Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Medical Science
Nursing Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
Master of Science in Community Health
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceMaster of EngineeringDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of NursingDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public Health
RoboticsAerospace Science and Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Rehabilitation Science
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Sexual Diversity StudiesAdult Education and Community Development
Art History
Cinema Studies
Comparative Literature
Counselling Psychology
Counselling and Clinical Psychology
Criminology and Sociolegal Studies
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
East Asian Studies
Educational Leadership and Policy
French Language and Literature
Higher Education
History and Philosophy of Science and ​Technology
Italian Studies
Medieval Studies
Museum Studies
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Political Science
Public Health Sciences
Public Policy
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Social Justice Education
Social Work
Sustainability Management
Visual Studies
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of EducationDoctor of Education
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of InformationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of LawsMaster of Studies in LawDoctor of Juridical Science
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Museum Studies
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public HealthMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Public Policy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Social WorkDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Doctor of PhilosophyMaster of Science in Sustainability Management
Master of Visual Studies
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
South Asian StudiesAnthropology
Comparative Literature
Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
East Asian Studies
Political Science
Social Justice Education
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
ToxicologyLaboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Medical Science
Nutritional Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Women and Gender StudiesAdult Education and Community Development
Cinema Studies
Comparative Literature
Counselling and Clinical Psychology
Counselling Psychology
Criminology and Sociolegal Studies
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
East Asian Studies
Educational Leadership and Policy
French Language and Literature
Germanic Languages and Literatures
Germanic Literature, Culture and Theory
Health Administration
Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Higher Education
Language and Literacies Education
Medieval Studies
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Political Science
Public Health Sciences
Social Justice Education
Social Work
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of EducationDoctor of Education
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of Education

Women's HealthAnthropology
Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Medical Science
Nursing Science
Nutritional Sciences
Occupational Therapy
Public Health Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
Social Work
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of NursingDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts

Workplace Learning and Social ChangeAdult Education and Community Development
Industrial Relations and Human Resources
Rehabilitation Science
Social Justice Education
Women and Gender Studies
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Industrial Relations and Human ResourcesDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy
Master of ArtsMaster of EducationDoctor of EducationDoctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts

Diploma Programs

​​​​All diploma programs are offered full-time unless otherwise indicated.


Symbol Meaning
​Part-time option available in addition to full-time program
Program only offered part-time​​


Graduate Unit
Program Name
Advanced Study in Information Studies (admissions closed)
Graduate Diploma in Information Studies with full-time and part-time options
Professional Accounting
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
Graduate Diploma in Health Research Graduate Diploma in Health Research with part-time option only
Post-Master's Nurse Practitioner
Post-Master's Nurse Practitioner Diploma with full-time and part-time options