Bioethics: Master's Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants to the collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.
  • Students interested in the master's programs apply to both the collaborating graduate unit and the Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics. Applications for admission to the collaborative specialization are considered only after admission to the collaborating graduate unit. If a student applies to more than one unit, a copy of each file must be submitted to the collaborative specialization at the contact above.
  • Visit the Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics website for the application form and details about supporting documentation. The application must be accompanied by:
    • application form
    • an up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV)
    • up-to-date copies of all transcripts
    • a one-page letter of intent
    • two letters of reference.
  • Where a thesis is required, an email or note from the proposed supervisor indicating willingness to supervise the student should be submitted to the Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics at the contact above. The JCB website lists faculty and bioethicists who are available for advice relating to research proposals.

Completion Requirements

  • Students will be expected to meet the requirements of the home graduate unit as well as those of the Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics. Students should check with their home graduate program whether the collaborative specialization course requirements may be counted towards the degree.
  • Students must complete:
    • SRM3333Y, a credit/no credit graduate seminar series in bioethics.
    • PHL2145H, a review of the philosophical foundations of bioethics. Students who have completed an equivalent graduate course in philosophical bioethics may apply to the Program Director to have this requirement waived.
    • Bioethics-related 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE), normally from the suggested list below.
  • Master's programs require either a thesis or equivalent research project as determined by the home unit. The thesis will be supervised by a thesis committee comprising a supervisor and two other members, at least one of whom is identified as an affiliated Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics faculty member. The thesis is evaluated according to the procedures and standards of the home graduate unit and must fall within the broad area of bioethics. Non-thesis projects require supervision; requirements for such projects will be determined by the home unit. Students in coursework-only degree programs must complete additional coursework in approved bioethics electives. For the Master of Laws (LLM) coursework-only option, 1.0 FCE in additional courses in bioethics are required.