Engineering Education

Engineering Education: Introduction

Lead Faculty of the Collaborative Specialization

Applied Science and Engineering

Participating Degree Programs

Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry — MASc, PhD
Civil Engineering — MASc, PhD
Curriculum and Pedagogy — MA, PhD
Higher Education — MA, MEd, PhD
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering — MASc, PhD


The Collaborative Specialization in Engineering Education is an interdisciplinary initiative designed for students within home programs in engineering or education who are interested in pursuing courses and research in engineering education. This collaborative specialization allows students to join a small community of scholars interested in research and learning at the nexus of education and engineering practice. A core course provides students with an introduction to engineering learning, knowledge, assessment, and culture and community, while the theoretical foundations, methods, and topics related to engineering education research are explored in a seminar course.

Research is supervised by a graduate faculty member in the student’s home graduate unit. Opportunities exist to assess and apply research findings as part of instructional initiatives within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. Upon successful completion of the degree requirements of the participating home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization, students will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Engineering Education" on their transcript.

Contact and Address

Web: and
Telephone: (416) 978-2821

Collaborative Specialization in Engineering Education
Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education & Practice (ISTEP)
55 College Street, Room 723
Toronto, Ontario M5S 0C9

Engineering Education: Master's Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants to the collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.

  • Applicants to the collaborative specialization must submit the following:

    • curriculum vitae (CV)

    • personal statement explaining how the proposed plan of study and specific research interests relate to engineering education

    • letter of recommendation from a faculty member confirming their willingness to supervise and support the student’s research and outlining why the student would be well suited for the Engineering Education Collaborative Specialization.

Completion Requirements

Students must meet all respective degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies, the participating home graduate unit, and the collaborative specialization. Collaborative specialization students must:

  • Successfully complete a total of 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) as follows:

    • the core course TEP1204H Instructional Design in Engineering Education.

  • Participate continuously in a seminar series TEP1205Y Engineering Education Research Seminar.

  • Undertake the major paper or thesis required by the home degree program with a focus on engineering education under the supervision of a collaborative specialization core faculty member.


Engineering Education: Doctoral Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants to the collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.

  • Applicants to the collaborative specialization must submit the following:

    • curriculum vitae (CV)

    • personal statement explaining how the plan of study and specific research interests relate to engineering education

    • letter of recommendation from a faculty member confirming their willingness to supervise and support the student’s research and outlining why the student would be well suited for the Engineering Education Collaborative Specialization.

Completion Requirements

Students must meet all respective degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies, the participating home graduate unit, and the collaborative specialization. Collaborative specialization students must:

  • Successfully complete a total of 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) as follows:

    • the core course TEP1204H Instructional Design in Engineering Education

    • an elective course in engineering education (0.5 FCE); see the elective course list.

  • Participate continuously in a seminar series TEP1206Y Engineering Education Research Seminar — Doctoral Level beginning in Year 1; deliver a seminar on the research topic in Year 2; design and deliver one or more instructional workshops and make a final presentation on their research, both in the final year.

  • Complete the thesis required by the home degree program with a focus on engineering education under the supervision of a collaborative specialization core faculty member.

  • Complete the core course TEP1204H; students who have completed the course at the master’s level may substitute an elective course at the doctoral level from the elective list and with the approval of the collaborative specialization director.


Engineering Education: Courses

Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
TEP1204HInstructional Design in Engineering Education
Engineering Education Research Seminar — Master’s Level
Engineering Education Research Seminar — Doctoral Level

Elective Courses (PhD Level Only)

Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry in Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning
Research Methods in Education
Instrument Development in Education
Course Self-Assessment
Teaching and Learning Science
Teaching and Learning about Science: Issues and Strategies in Science, Technology, Society and Environment (STSE) Education
Action Research in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education
Teaching and Learning about Science and Technology: Beyond Schools
Culture and Cognition in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
Qualitative Research Methods in Education: Concepts and Methods
Introduction to Knowledge Building
The Design of Online Environments: Theory and Practice

Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

Course CodeCourse Title
Appropriate Technology and Design for Global Development
Project Management
Managing Business Innovation and Transformational Change
Applying Innovation in Engineering and Business Operations
The Engineer in Society — Ethics, History, and Philosophy
Experimental Methods in Human Factors Research
Analytical Methods in Human Factors Research
Statistical Models in Empirical Research
Analysis and Design of Cognitive Work
TEP1010HCognitive and Psychological Foundations of Effective Leadership
TEP1011HAuthentic Leadership and Teaming
TEP1501HLeadership and Leading in Groups and Organizations
TEP1502HLeadership in Product Design