UTSC, Environmental Chemistry (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science / Master of Environmental Science


The Combined Degree Program (CDP): UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Chemistry / Master of Environmental Science (MEnvSc) is designed for students interested in studying the intersections of environmental sciences with professional experiential preparation in emerging environmental challenges.

Students earn an honours bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) and a Master of Environmental Science degree. Distinct advantages include:

  • early application to the MEnvSc program (in Year 3) and conditional admission to the MEnvSc program;

  • addressing demand from undergraduate students for further training in order to improve their level of competence as environmental practitioners; and

  • the opportunity to enrol in the MEnvSc program in the Summer session between Years 4 and 5 in order to complete either a two-month academic or internship training, in addition to the mandatory four-month academic or internship opportunity completed by students in the MEnvSc program alone.

This CDP permits the completion of both degrees in five years with 1.0 credit (full-course equivalent [FCE]) that may be counted towards both the undergraduate and graduate degrees.

For a general description of CDPs, see General Regulations section 1.4.3.


UTSC, Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Environmental Chemistry / Master of Environmental Science
Web: utsc.calendar.utoronto.ca/combined-degree-programs-honours-bachelor-science-master-environmental-science

Honours Bachelor of Science Program
University of Toronto Scarborough
Web: utsc.calendar.utoronto.ca/specialist-program-environmental-chemistry-science
Email: cdp.utsc@utoronto.ca

Master of Environmental Science Program
University of Toronto Scarborough
Web: www.utsc.utoronto.ca/physsci/master-environmental-science-overview
Email: dpes-menvsc-program.utsc@utoronto.ca