Community Development: Courses

Core Course

Course CodeCourse Title
Community Development

In addition to the core course (UCS1000H), students must take an additional 1.0 FCE in the subject area of the collaborative specialization, to be approved by the collaborative specialization director. The following is a list of the currently approved courses; the list is reviewed annually and posted on the Community Development website.

Adult Education

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Community Development
Nonprofits, Co-operatives, and the Social Economy: An Overview
Community Healing and Peacebuilding
Cyberliteracy and Adult Education
Walking Together, Talking Together: The Praxis of Reconciliation
Special Topics in Adult Education and Community Development: Master's Level (with approval of the Director)
Special Topics in Adult Education and Community Development: Doctoral Level (with approval of the Director)

Counselling Psychology

Course CodeCourse Title
Indigenous Studies in Mental Health and Disability Justice


Course CodeCourse Title
Community Participation and Health
Comparative Politics of Health Policy in a Globalizing World


Course CodeCourse Title
Housing Markets and Housing Policy Analysis
Place, Politics, and the Urban
Sustainability and Urban Communities
Planning the Social Economy
Planning for Change: Community Development in Practice

Public Health Sciences

Course CodeCourse Title
Building Community Resilience
Directed Reading

Social Work

Course CodeCourse Title
Promoting Empowerment: Working at the Margins
Social Work Policy Practice and Advocacy in the Context of Neoliberal Globalization
Theoretical Approaches to Defining Social Injustice and Engaging in Social Change
Social Housing and Homelessness
Research Knowledge for Social Justice