Community Development: Master's Level

Admissions to this collaborative specialization have been administratively suspended.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Collaborative specializations are administered under the auspices of the School of Graduate Studies.

  • Applicants must be accepted for admission to a participating graduate unit and comply with the admission procedures of that unit before applying to the Collaborative Specialization in Community Development.

  • Applicants must submit the following to the collaborative specialization committee:

    • A copy of the letter accepting you into one of the participating graduate units.

    • A resumé or curriculum vitae (CV).

    • A letter explaining how your plan of study, your specific interests, and your career goals relate to community development (i.e., why you want to enrol in the Collaborative Specialization in Community Development); maximum length: 500 words. Include reference to any relevant experience (volunteer, work, education, etc.).

Completion Requirements

  • Students must register in the master's degree program through one of the participating home graduate units. They must meet all respective degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and their participating home graduate unit.

  • To fulfil the requirements of the Collaborative Specialization in Community Development, students must complete the following:

    • The core course UCS1000H Community Development.

    • An additional 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) in the subject area of the collaborative specialization, to be approved by the collaborative specialization director, of which at least 0.5 FCE must be external to the student's home graduate unit.

    • Participation in a non-credit coordinating seminar on community development.

    • Where required by the home degree program, a thesis or a major research paper (as designated by the home degree program) on a topic related to community development; a member of the thesis committee or the reader of the major research paper must be a faculty member associated with the collaborative specialization. Or where required by the home degree program, a practicum placement with community development content as approved by the collaborative specialization director or core faculty member from that home degree program.

  • Normally, the required courses listed below are taken as options within regular departmental or faculty degree requirements, not as additional courses.