Comparative, International and Development Education: Courses

Not all courses are offered each year. Visit the Comparative, International, and Development Education (CIDE) website for current course offerings, including special topics courses that do not appear in the list below.

In addition to the courses listed here, a defined list of special topics courses, taught by CIDE participating faculty members in any of the participating graduate departments, can be taken to meet core or elective graduate course requirements for CIDE.

Core Courses

Comparative Education

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Comparative, International, and Development Education
Practicum for Comparative, International, and Development Education
Transnational Perspectives on Democracy, Human Rights, and Democratic Education in an Era of Globalization
Special Topics in Comparative, International, and Development Education

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

Curriculum and Pedagogy Program
Course CodeCourse Title
Teacher Development: Comparative and Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Education and Social Development
Democratic Citizenship Education: Comparative International Perspectives
Religious Education: Comparative and International Perspectives
Education and Peacebuilding in Conflict Zones: International Comparative Perspectives
Language and Literacies Education Program
Course CodeCourse Title
The Education of Students of Refugee Background in Canada and Beyond
CTL3811HCritical Perspectives on Language, Racism, and Settler-Colonialism

Leadership, Higher and Adult Education

Adult Education and Community Development Program
Course CodeCourse Title
Women, War, and Learning
LHA3064HGlobal Governance and Educational Change: The Politics of International Cooperation in Education
LHA3104HAdult Education, Marxism, and Feminism
LHA3182HParticipatory Democracy, Activism, and Citizenship Learning
Educational Leadership and Policy Program
Course CodeCourse Title
Global Educational Equity and Quantitative Policy Research
Comparative and International Perspectives on Gender and Education Policy and Practice
Higher Education Program
Course CodeCourse Title
Systems of Higher Education
System-Wide Planning and Policy for Higher Education
Comparative Education Theory and Methodology (RM)
Comparative Higher Education
Internationalization of Higher Education in a Comparative Perspective
International Academic Relations

Social Justice Education

Course CodeCourse Title
Modernization, Development, and Education in African Contexts
SJE1927HMigration and Globalization
Critical Media Literacy Education
Cultural Knowledges, Representation, and Colonial Education

Elective Courses

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

Curriculum and Pedagogy Program
Course CodeCourse Title
CTL1011HAnti-Oppression Education in School Settings
Language, Culture, and Identity: Using the Literary Text in Teacher Development
Pedagogies of Solidarity
CTL1218HCulture and Cognition in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
Education for Human Goals Local and Global: How’s Science Education Helping?
Identity Construction and Education of Minorities
Teaching Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Introduction to Indigenous Land-centered Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Indigenous Civilizations of Turtle Island: Language, Culture, and Identity
CTL1332HIntroduction to Decolonization in Education
The Origins of Modern Schooling: Issues in the Development of the North American Educational System
Gendered Colonialisms, Imperialisms, and Nationalisms in History
Language and Literacies Education Program
Course CodeCourse Title
Foundations of Bilingual and Multicultural Education
Critical Pedagogy, Language, and Cultural Diversity
Cognitive Sociolinguistic and Sociopolitical Orientations in Bilingual Education Research
Language and Literacies Education in Multilingual Contexts
Language Planning and Policy
Language Teacher Education
Educational Sociolinguistics
Pragmatics in Language Education
Children's Literature Within a Multicultural Context
CTL3100HCommunication and Second Language Learning in the Workplace
Multilingualism and Pluralism

Leadership, Higher and Adult Education

Adult Education and Community Development Program
Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Community Development
LHA1113HGender and Race at Work
Learning for the Global Economy
Young Adulthood in Crisis: Learning, Transitions, and Activism
LHA1145HParticipatory Research in the Community and the Workplace [RM]
Migration, Resettlement, and Learning
LHA1148HAn Introduction to Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy
Indigenous Worldviews: Implications for Education
Embodied Learning and Alternative Approaches to Community Wellness
Aboriginal Knowledge: Implications for Education
Community Healing and Peacebuilding
Walking Together, Talking Together: The Praxis of Reconciliation
LHA3103HTeaching about Global and Social Issues
Educational Leadership and Policy Program
Course CodeCourse Title
LHA1029HSpecial Applications of the Administrative Process
LHA1041HSocial and Policy Contexts of Schooling
LHA1043HDecolonizing and Antiracist Approaches to Educational Leadership
LHA3040HAdministrative Theory and Educational Problems I: People and Power in Organizations
LHA3041HDoctoral Seminar on Policy Issues in Education
LHA3055HDemocratic Values, Student Engagement, and Democratic Leadership
EDP3145HMethodological Approaches for Researching Education Policy [RM]
Higher Education Program
Course CodeCourse Title
Lifelong Learning and Professional and Vocational Education

Social Justice Education

Course CodeCourse Title
SJE1438HDemocratic Approaches to Pedagogy
SJE1447HTechnology in Education: Philosophical Issues
Foucault and Research in Education and Culture: Discourse, Power, and the Subject
The Principles of Anti-Racism Education
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Indigenous Knowledge and Decolonization: Pedagogical Implications
Race, Space, and Citizenship: Research Methods
SJE1951HThe School and the Community
Social Relations of Cultural Production in Education
SJE2941HBourdieu: Theory of Practice in Social Sciences
SJE3905HInterdisciplinary Approaches to Research: Theory and Praxis
SJE3910HAdvanced Seminar on Race and Anti-Racism Research Methodology in Education
Race and Knowledge Production: Research Methods
Anti-Colonial Thought and Pedagogical Challenges
Franz Fanon and Education
Globalisation and Transnationality: Feminist Perspectives