Computer Science: Computer Science MScAC, MSc, PhD Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please consult the department for course offerings.

MScAC Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
CSC2701HCommunication for Computer Scientists 
CSC2702HTechnical Entrepreneurship
MScAC Internship

Research and Non-breadth Courses (all programs)

Course CodeCourse Title
CSC1001HIndependent Research Project
CSC2600HTopics in Computer Science
Special Reading Course in Computer Science
Research Project in Computer Science

Group 1

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to the Theory of Distributed Computing
CSC2240HGraphs, Matrices, and Optimization
CSC2332HIntroduction to Quantum Algorithms
CSC2401HIntroduction to Computational Complexity
Computability and Logic
CSC2405HAutomata Theory
CSC2410HIntroduction to Graph Theory
CSC2412HAlgorithms for Private Data Analysis
CSC2414HAdvanced Topics in Complexity Theory
Advanced Topics in the Theory of Distributed Computing
CSC2419HTopics in Cryptography
CSC2420HAlgorithm Design, Analysis, and Theory
CSC2421HTopics in Algorithms
Fundamentals of Cryptography
CSC2427HTopics in Graph Theory
Topics in the Theory of Computation
CSC2451HQuantum Computing, Foundations to Frontier
CSC2556HAlgorithms for Collective Decision Making

Group 2

Course CodeCourse Title
CSC2417HAlgorithms for Genome Sequence Analysis
CSC2431HTopics in Computational Biology and Medicine
Computational Linguistics
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Foundations of Computer Vision
Probabilistic Learning and Reasoning
Natural Language Computing
Advanced Propositional Reasoning
Introduction to Machine Learning
CSC2516HNeural Networks and Deep Learning
CSC2517HDiscrete Mathematical Models of Sentence Structure
Spoken Language Processing
Advanced Computational Linguistics
CSC2529HComputational Imaging
CSC2530HComputational Imaging and 3D Sensing
Statistical Learning Theory
Topics in Computer Vision
CSC2540HComputational Cognitive Models of Language
Topics in Machine Learning
Topics in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
CSC2545HAdvanced Topics in Machine Learning
CSC2546HComputational Neuroscience
CSC2547HCurrent Topics in Machine Learning
CSC2548HMachine Learning in Computer Vision
CSC2559HTrustworthy Machine Learning
CSC2606HIntroduction to Continuum Robotics
CSC2611HComputational Models of Semantic Change
CSC2621HTopics in Robotics
CSC2626HImitation Learning for Robotics
CSC2630HIntroduction to Mobile Robotics

Group 3

Course CodeCourse Title
CSC2103HSoftware Testing and Verification
Formal Methods of Program Design
Compilers and Interpreters
CSC2108HAutomated Reasoning with Machine Learning
Topics in Software Engineering
CSC2126HTopics in Programming Languages
CSC2130HEmpirical Research Methods in Software Engineering
Computer Systems Modelling
Advanced Operating Systems
Computer Networks
CSC2210HVisual and Mobile Computing Systems
CSC2222HApplications of Parallel and Distributed Computing
CSC2224HParallel Computer Architecture and Programming
Topics in Verification
Topics in the Design and Implementation of Operating Systems
CSC2229HTopics in Computer Networks
Special Topics in Computer Systems
Topics in Storage Systems
CSC2234HDatabase System Technology
CSC2235HCloud-Native Data Management Systems
CSC2302HNumerical Solutions of Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations
Numerical Methods for Optimization Problems
High Performance Scientific Computing
Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Matrix Calculations
CSC2508HAdvanced Data Systems
CSC2525HResearch Topics in Database Management

Group 4

Course CodeCourse Title
CSC2504HComputer Graphics
CSC2513HCritical Thinking for Human Computer Interaction
CSC2514HHuman-Computer Interaction
CSC2520HGeometry Processing
CSC2521HTopics in Computer Graphics
Object Modelling and Recognition
CSC2524HTopics in Interactive Computing
CSC2526HHCI: Topics in Ubiquitous Computing
CSC2527HThe Business of Software
CSC2536HTopics in Computer Science and Education
CSC2537HInformation Visualization
CSC2549HPhysics-Based Animation
CSC2552HTopics in Computational Social Science
CSC2557HAdaptive Experimentation for Intelligent Interventions
CSC2558HTopics in Multidisciplinary HCI
CSC2604HTopics in Human-Centred and Interdisciplinary Computing
CSC2612HComputing and Global Development
CSC2615HEthical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence
CSC2631HMobile and Digital Health
Systems Thinking for Global Problems