APD3402H: Intervention with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children, Youth, and Families
The purpose of this course is to learn about the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) children and youth who are English language learners (ELL), come from multicultural contexts demanding culturally sensitive strategies for intervention, or are in other bilingual programs such as French Immersion. The course is intended to provide doctoral students with a repertoire of strategies for dealing with the complex array of cognitive, linguistic, affective, social-emotional, and cultural issues involved in intervention of CLD children and adolescents. This is achieved through readings, lectures, class discussion, case presentations, hands-on experience with a client and family, and school consultation. Each student will conduct an instructional intervention with a CLD or bilingual child or adolescent who is experiencing learning difficulties and who may have a learning disability. The goals of this intervention is to address the client's learning and social-emotional needs, find strategies that support their learning and adjustment, and consult with their schools in order to enhance the likelihood that these strategies will be implemented past your work with the student.
APD3401H Assessment with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children, Youth, and Families