APS1035H: Technology Sales for Entrepreneurs

The course is all about how to get people to listen and gain enough trust in you to take a chance on your offer. Students will learn the keys to selling a "customer”" on an idea, product or service that they passionately believe in. The course is designed to have a variety of learning objectives which are delivered via lectures, exercises, role playing, group presentations, and homework assignments. The students will learn how to organize and communicate their thoughts and facts in a way that will increase their probability of succeeding in convincing the decision makers that they should take a chance on a new idea or innovation. The course is delivered in 12 three-hour classes that are a mix of lecture and role play exercises. Lectures and handouts as appropriate provide the background material necessary for students to grasp the ideas and processes required to achieve a level of competence. The class will be organized into groups or as individuals for various course assignments. Eight of the lectures are mostly devoted to student presentations of various kinds around marketing, sales, and negotiation.

St. George