BME1010H: Graduate Seminar

This course provides students exposure to the breadth and depth of research activities in biomedical engineering, assists in the establishment of a biomedical engineering identity within the student population and externally to the University and to funding agencies, and provides students with the opportunity to present their work in a formal setting and receive feedback (on both presentation style and content) prior to their final defense. The primary goal of this course is to provide practical experience and guidance in the clear, concise oral communication of research results to an audience of educated, although not specialist, peers. This is an essential skill for anyone intending to seek a career in scientific research. The emphasis is different from a group meeting or conference-style talk to a specialist audience, but rather on the skills that are important ultimately for job talks or teaching situations. Another important goal of the series is to provide a broad knowledge of all aspects of research undertaken by other students in BME.

St. George