DEN2051Y: Surgical Orthodontics I

This course is the first and introductory collaborative educational component of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontic graduate programs. It exposes both OMFS and Orthodontic residents to a comprehensive, detailed, and innovative clinic. The Centre for Corrective Jaw Surgery at the University of Toronto is unique in Canada and is a weekly clinic held in both the surgical and orthodontic departments. Orthodontic diagnosing, surgical orthodontic virtual surgical planning and presurgical orthodontic preparation will be emphasized. Milestones in orthognathic surgery and in surgical orthodontics are met through clinic, seminar, and operating room interactions. The first part of the course is further enhanced by 24 cased-based seminars covering the full scope of facial deformity correction. These seminars are jointly presented by OMFS and Orthodontic residents.

St. George
In Class