ECE1228H: Electromagnetic Theory

This course is intended to benefit graduate students with interest in Electromagnetics and Photonics. It revisits and expands some of the more fundamental electromagnetic laws and theories. The course provides the students with the necessary foundation and specific knowledge of electromagnetic theory and the dynamics of wave propagation and interaction with materials and structures.

Topics covered in the course: Maxwell equations in differential and integral forms; constitutive relations; electric field and electrostatic potential, electric and magnetic polarization; boundary conditions, energy and power, material dispersion (electric response), material dispersion (magnetic response), conductors and conductivity, Multipole expansion, Maxwell-Helmholtz wave equations, solutions to Maxwell-Helmholtz wave equations, plane waves, polarization, reflection and transmission at interfaces, beam optics (time permitting), the other wave equation (Schrödinger wave equation), electron-photon analogies, waveguides, optical multilayers and transfer matrix method, dynamics of wave propagation (phase velocity, group velocity, energy velocity, forerunners), dispersive effects, introduction to waves in periodic structures, wave equation as operator, operator calculus and bases, anisotropic and bi-anisotropic medium, electromagnetic principles and theorems (duality, uniqueness, reciprocity theorem), and if time permits Green functions and Hamilton-Jacobi canonical equations.

St. George
In Class