FAH1310H: Topics in Chinese Painting History

This course will explore a clearly defined topic and/or a problem related to Chinese painting history: either in local, China-wide, or global context; and, in a period from the medieval to the contemporary, but not necessarily including the entire breadth of these these temporal periods. By the design of the instructor, the course may address select developments in the history of Chinese painting. Some modules might involve the study of: specific painters, movements, or dynasties; painting theory; a text or texts of Chinese art writing in the original; or historiographic problems. All modules will emphasize: key primary sources (paintings and texts) in their original format; the development of the Sinological, philological, and bibliographical skills for working with these primary sources; and exploration of the secondary literature.

This course emphasizes the development of art-historical skills grounded in Sinological practice in order to prepare students for further research either in entry-level art world jobs or in graduate school (including MA or PhD theses in Chinese painting history).

Reading knowledge of Chinese or another East Asian language recommended.

In Class