FAH2038H: Greek and Roman Sculpture in the Royal Ontario Museum

This is a course on Greek and Roman sculpture in the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) collection of ancient art. The course is related to the wider project of a catalogue raisonnée of the ROM's sculpture collection; it will give students the opportunity to participate in the preliminary research for the catalogue, and to write entries on individual pieces. The course will combine weekly visits to the ROM's collections and archives with in-class meetings and presentations. Students will select an artefact or group of artefacts on which they will conduct their research, and will prepare a final essay. The seminar is structured around the material in the Toronto collection and offers a closer and more immediate engagement with ancient art and artefacts than most graduate courses in the department. It will, however, equally address the broader issues of cultural and art historical analysis and contextualization. It will further cover the themes of provenance and collecting, as well as the 'biography' of individual artefacts. If students' texts or research will be used in the envisaged catalogue, their work will of course be fully credited.

In Class