GLA2007H: Global Affairs Externship

The Global Affairs Externship offers the opportunity for an MGA2 student to earn academic credits, totalling 0.5 FCEs, for the completion of a part-time, work-based placement with a select Munk School of Global Affairs Externship partner. The student is expected to work at a local institution (government, private, NGO, etc.) to support projects and programs of the host organization's choosing, relevant to the student's field of study in the Master of Global Affairs program during the academic year.

The selection of successful candidates is at the discretion of the host partner organization based on academic and professional qualifications. The work assigned will be determined by the host partner organization, in consultation with the Master of Global Affairs Program.

Academic credit is based on the successful completion of the externship and the submission of a final academic paper, to be graded by an appointed faculty assessor.

Credit/No Credit
St. George
In Class