HAD6764H: Health Informatics Research Comprehensive Course

This course is designed to fulfil the requirement for a comprehensive exam for graduate students in the Health Informatics Research emphasis of the PhD Health Services Research program. The course will enable students to demonstrate and expand the cumulative knowledge and skills gained throughout their previous graduate courses.

Objectives: 1) To undertake an analysis of the topics and issues that promote and hinder the uptake of health informatics in our health care systems. 2) The objective is to gain an understanding of the complex personal, environmental, financial, political, and societal forces that influence the use of health informatics innovations and develop strategies for improving the uptake of evolving innovations. Specifically, this course will guide and evaluate the student's ability to: 3) Develop a research question relevant to health informatics. 4) Develop an appropriate research plan to explore/answer the research question. 5) Critically assess relevant theoretical frameworks. 6) Prepare an academic piece of work such as a manuscript of publishable quality (or equivalent piece of work). 7) Lead/facilitate an in-depth class discussion on a current health informatics issue/innovation. 8) Present their research proposal/findings to peers. 9) Provide constructive feedback on their peers' research.

St. George
In Class