This is an experiential learning course that will be structured and conducted as a workshop. In the fall of 2019, the course will focus on early modern editions of sacre rappresentazioni (religious plays) in order to discuss and practise transcribing from sixteenth and early seventeenth-century published texts, translating such texts into English, and providing a critical apparatus for the translations (introduction, bibliography, footnotes). The course will begin with a discussion of early modern Italian handwriting (paleography), type-faces, scribal abbreviations, grammar, and vocabulary; it will then turn into an experiential learning workshop that will see graduate and senior undergraduate students work together to transcribe early modern Italian texts into modern notation, translate them into English, and then create a scholarly apparatus to accompany their English translation.
School of Graduate Studies University of Toronto 63 St. George Street Toronto, ON Canada M5S 2Z9 Calendar Contacts |
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