LAN3025H: Advanced Visual Communication

LAN3025 builds on past Visual Communication courses and explores themes of media creation in the pursuit of site investigation of each student’s individual selected site. While course deliverables remain focused on the development of static, dynamic, and auditory media, the discussions and assignments will strongly parallel that of concurrent LAN3051. 

Prior to the start of the course, students should have already selected a study site and should have already cataloged a broad range of research of written, visual (spatial and non-spatial), and auditory sources related to their site. Using this body of research as a starting point, throughout the term students will be asked to undertake a thorough exploration of their thesis site via investigative analysis through drawing, modelling, generating, and composing. Assignments are cumulative and prompt students to explore and discover overlaps between typically disparate socio-cultural, environmental, economic, geopolitical, and historical site data to form new understandings of site which prompt potential future design questions. 

LAN2023, or permission of the course instructor for students outside of the MLA degree program. 
St. George