MIE1710H: Sustainable Development (Manufacturing) of Circular Materials for Healthy Climate

This course will explore advanced research and developments in manufacturing, engineering principles and design fundamentals for creating sustainable materials with circularity approach from renewable, after-market and waste resources minimizing resource depletions. Process transformation may include eco-thermal, photo-chemical, biochemical, and biological pathways that can result in materials circularity for product and process developments. This advancement of knowledge transformation will be exemplified by evaluating applications such as thinner, lighter and multi-functional, durable and/or disposable products for construction, building, electronics transportation and biomedical sectors with attributes such as facile deconstruction and re-integration in the industrial ecosystem. Graduate students will have the opportunity to learn advanced research methodology to tackle climate change by developing new concept, theory, and analytical validation that directly implies to manufacturing of biochemical, advanced polymers, energy, and energy materials. Biogenesis of renewables in climate mitigation, a circular approach by advancing biomolecular engineering and photo-chemical reactor design.

St. George
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