MST1003H: Professional Development for Medieval Studies PhDs

This year-long course is a core requirement for the PhD in Medieval Studies. It prepares PhD students in Medieval Studies (in Years 1, 2, and 3) for the non-scholarly challenges of their doctoral degree, with specific attention to the job market. Sessions cover topics such as Planning, Careers for Medievalists in Academia as well as in Public and Private Sectors, Conference Circuit, EDIA, Coping with Academic Stress, Graduate Funding (Grants, Bursaries, and Fellowships), Teaching Portfolio, Postdoctoral opportunities, Publishing Research as a PhD Student, and CVs and Cover Letters. The course meets for 12 two-hour sessions, each addressed to students in a specific year of their degree and includes presentations from a range of faculty and guest speakers.

Credit/No Credit
This continuous course will continuously roll over until a final grade or credit/no credit is entered.
St. George
In Class