RSM2406H: Operations Management Strategy

Operations Management Strategy (Ops Strat) is a multidisciplinary course for students aspiring to leadership positions where thinking strategically, making sound decisions with limited data and devising and executing solid implementation plans spells the difference between average and outstanding executive ability. Ops Strat integrates the concepts, tools and practices of operations with competitive strategy, customer focus, innovation, change management and other goals such as sustainability — linchpins of firms' competitiveness. Specifically, students will learn how an effective operations strategy creates an integrated set of operational capabilities that, as evidenced by diverse firms across multiple industries become a formidable source of competitive advantage that competitors must try to emulate (but will be unable to achieve). During the pandemic, we have witnessed how organizations with high levels of agility and operational flexibility have been able to sustain and even build value during times of extreme stress, and we will examine this in our discussions. Furthermore, students will examine the role and measurement plays in successfully executing strategy in light of changing circumstances.

St. George
In Class