RSM2703H: CityLab

CityLab (equivalent to 0.5 FCE, or half of one full-course equivalent credit) pairs talented teams of MBA candidates (second-year FT MBA students and third-year Morning and Evening MBA students) with local Toronto organizations such as Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) for an eight-month consulting engagement. Project teams act as a consulting and advisory resource to the organization and complete a strategic project based on its needs. CityLab aims to make a meaningful impact in a local neighbourhood and in the greater City of Toronto by providing a unique way for BIAs to access valuable business skills in Accounting, Consulting, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, and other functional areas from Canada’s top MBA talent. This Rotman initiative is directly aligned with the University of Toronto's top priorities which include leveraging our urban location for the mutual benefit of the university and the city; expanding sustainable outreach and partnerships with local municipalities, civic, and neighbourhood organizations; and strengthening relationships with residents’ associations in the city. It also manages to fulfill the university's desire to be globally engaged by working with entrepreneurs who have recently immigrated to Canada.

St. George
In Class