RSM3057H: Workshop in Marketing

The goals of this course are for PhD students in marketing to present their research ideas and receive feedback, as well as to critique the papers presented by External Marketing Speakers. The course contains three parts corresponding to three learning objectives. Part 1 is socialization into marketing academia. We will cover topics such as job market and academic career, the academic publication process, and how to write referee reports. Second-year students will practice writing a review. Part 2 is presenting research for feedback. The purpose of the presentations is to improve the student’s skills in crafting his/her research agenda, learn to convey this agenda to a broadly based audience of marketing scholars — in conferences and seminars, and improve through feedback. The other part of this process is providing constructive feedback to the colleagues and fellow students. Students will offer their perspective, their comments, and their suggestions to the presenters. Part 3 is about discussing and reviewing Frontier Research Successful scholars should keep track of the research advances in the fields. Our area’s seminar series invite external speakers from other schools, to present working papers. We will select their papers to discuss in the class. For each paper presented in the marketing seminar series by an external speaker on Fridays, we will discuss that paper in class on Mondays, which is four days prior to the speaker’s presentation. We will designate a student as the discussion leader (DL). DL will start the class discussion with a formal 15-minute discussion on the paper. Moreover, for each paper, I have invited one faculty member (who is an expert in that area) to lead the discussion after the DL had made his/her 15-minute presentation.

Credit/No Credit
St. George
In Class