RSM3066H: Quantitative Methods in the Applied Behavioural Sciences

A defining feature of scholarship in the applied behavioural sciences is its emphasis on empirical research, by collecting data and submitting it to quantitative analysis. This course covers fundamental issues in conducting the analysis of quantitative data collected in fields such as management, marketing, industrial relations, psychology, and related fields. It is designed for doctoral students who intend to conduct empirical research publishable in scholarly journals. This course covers model building and analysis, including topics such as an introduction to statistical inference, analysis of variance, regression analysis, testing and interpreting interaction effects, mediation analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, aggregation across levels of analysis, path analysis, and factor analysis. It concludes with strategies for managing the publishing process. A core focus of this course is on doing analyses that reflect current research in the applied behavioural sciences. Students are assigned core readings and, when appropriate, are given real empirical data to apply the method under discussion.

St. George
In Class