SSM1070H: Sustainability Law and Policy

The course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of various laws and policies related to the environmental, social, and economic pillars of sustainability that have relevance to a practicing professional sustainability manager. The course commences with an overview of the structure of the Canadian legal system and then divides in two parts. The first part focuses on environmental law and policies. This part covers international agreements, such as Global Programme of Action for Sustainable Development (Agenda-21), Kyoto Protocol, Biodiversity Convention, and Future We Want (outcome of Rio+20); Canadian laws, such as Environmental Protection Act, Federal Sustainable Development Act, Federal Sustainable Development Strategy and Bill C-45; and Ontario's laws such as Environmental Protection Act, Environmental Assessment Act, Green Energy Act, and Open for Business Act. The second part focuses on laws related to social and economic pillars and covers the Canadian laws of torts, contracts, sole proprietorship, partnerships, corporations, bankruptcy.

In Class