This program evaluation practicum course is designed to support students with an opportunity to work closely with faculty on a program evaluation project or an external project that OISE faculty is collaborating on. Students attend class seminars weekly where they discuss various evaluation approaches and debrief their practicum work. They are linked with a faculty member in the department or OISE and work on an evaluation project under the faculty’s supervision. Evaluation work includes attending team meetings, conducting a review of literature, participating in instrument development, data collection and analysis activities, and presenting results of their work in an end of term poster.
Credit/No Credit
To participate, students must be in the final year of the DPE M.Ed.program, have taken courses with program evaluation emphasis that the department offers, and have been matched with a faculty supervisor by the course instructor prior to the Fall semester. Practicum Course Planning and Requirements: (1) The course instructor will recruit faculty supervisors who have active evaluation projects and are willing to supervise a student in an Evaluation Practicum. The list of faculty will be shared with students online during the summer prior to the course. Only students who have been successfully matched to a faculty supervisor will be invited to continue in the course. (2) Upon matching, students and faculty agree upon a learning contract, which includes the following: (2a) Inclusive dates of the evaluation practicum; (2b) Days and hours the student will regularly devote to the practicum (Students should expect to spend 8-10 hours a week in the practicum from September to December); (2c) Description of the evaluation practicum tasks; (2d) Training the faculty will provide; (2e) Students’ learning goals specific to the practicum; (2f)Time and frequency of project/lab meetings students must attend; (2g) Deadline and mode (oral presentation vs. written report) for submitting the evaluation assignment to their faculty supervisor. (3) All students enrolled in the course will be expected to attend the class in one of the options listed above. The seminars will take place 6 times during the semester. These seminars are designed to be a place where students discuss learning experiences. Students will have the opportunity to receive additional supervision and feedback from the course instructor and other students.
St. George