CHM1005H: Applications of Spectroscopy in Organic Structure Determination

This course will discuss the application of several spectroscopic methods available to chemistry students and researchers, including elemental analysis (EA), mass spectrometry (MS), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and 1 H/13 C NMR. The fundamentals of two-dimensional NMR techniques, such as COSY and HSQC, and their importance in structural elucidation will be highlighted. Practical aspects of each method will be emphasized, and students will learn how to operate instruments pertaining to IR and NMR spectroscopy. The classes teach theory and problem-solving approaches in interpreting data to elucidate the structure of complex organic molecules. CHM1005H builds on material taught in CHM343H, CHM247H/249H, and CHM136H/CHM151Y. The importance of spectroscopy cannot be overstated. Whether you work in academia or industry, proper analysis and identification of synthesized material is of paramount importance. The problem solving and analysis skills obtained by performing complex molecule structural elucidation are useful in fields beyond chemistry.

St. George