CIV1508H: Airport Planning and Engineering

The objective of this course is to provide an overview of the planning, design and operation of the airport component of a modern air/highway inter-modal transportation system including airside, terminal, and groundside elements. Students will be introduced to current trends in the air transportation industry as these impact on air travel demand and the requirement for airport facilities and services. Aviation demand forecasting and management will be studied, as will aircraft and passenger characteristics. A central focus of the course will be airfield (runways and taxiways) and terminal design, both passenger and cargo. While Canadian standards will be used in all design examples and exercises, these are generally compatible with ICAO recommended practices and the analytic methods broadly applicable elsewhere. Case Studies will draw heavily on the current Master Plan being developed for Pickering Airport and the ongoing development program at Toronto's Lester B. Pearson International Airport. The course will conclude with a brief look at the critical environmental issues facing airports, particularly noise and water pollution, and at airport economics and finance.

St. George