CTL1330H: Education and Peacebuilding in Conflict Zones: International Comparative Perspectives
This course examines education's role in exacerbating, mitigating, or transforming direct and indirect (systemic) violence, and in building sustainable democratic justice and peace, in different kinds of conflict zones around the world (such as divided and post-colonial societies, post-war reconstruction, refugee education, and societies suffering escalated gang criminality). We address conflict, justice, relational and peace-building learning opportunities and dilemmas embedded in various curricula and local/international initiatives. Themes include: education in 'emergency' and 'fragile state' contexts; securitization and colonization vs. humanization and restorative/transformative justice in education; history education for violence or peace; education for human rights and social cohesion; inter-group contact and integrated schooling; conflict resolution capability development; and teacher development for democratic peacebuilding. Participants will gain competence and confidence in conflict (transformation) analysis and in applying contrasting theories to contrasting examples of practice.
Note: This course was formerly CTL1799H Education and Peacebuilding in Conflict Zones: International Comparative Perspectives. Students who have taken that course are prohibited from taking CTL1330H.