ENV1111H: Special Topics in Adaptation and Resilience

As the world faces an era of environmental change, particularly in the area of climate, the question of how humanity can anticipate and respond in a sustainable manner is receiving increasing attention. This special topics course will introduce students to a wide range of topics and issues as they relate to adaptation and resilience. Through readings, coursework, and discussion, students will use a transdisciplinary approach to explore the adjustment of natural and human systems to change, in order to reduce harmful impacts and take advantage of beneficial opportunities. In addition, students will explore the ability of such systems to absorb change, maintain their function, and evolve in ways that improve their future sustainability. Topics for examination may include extreme events (e.g., flooding, drought, wildfires), gradual changes (e.g., permafrost, sea level rise), urban scale (e.g., public safety, public health, food security) and the wider Canadian context (e.g., natural resources, food production, and biodiversity).
