Health professions education is concerned with creating health professionals for the future. However, this future is increasingly complex and uncertain. The models of professions and professionalism that have historically shaped the foundations of health professions education need to be continually examined and re-examined in light of enormous technological and societal shifts that shape professionals and their roles in society. This reading course will provide an overview of the literature in the sociology of the professions, providing a historical foundation while also pointing towards new questions in the sociologies of work and sociologies of expertise. The intention is to provide a firm grounding in these bodies of literature, creating intellectual space to connect these ideas with contemporary areas of focus in the field of health professions education.
Objectives: 1) Have an understanding of the broad topics and key thinkers within the sociology of the professions. 2) Identify ways in which sociology of the professions has influenced the domain of health professions education. 3) Be able to articulate their own research interests in relationship to the sociology of the professions.