INF1602H: Fundamentals of User Experience

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of User Experience (UX) and User Experience Research (UER). The course covers a series of methods and tools in three areas: research, design, and evaluation. Methods and tools to conduct and analyse research data may include interviews, observations, questionnaires, secondary research, affinity diagrams, thematic analysis, stakeholder maps, empathy maps, and personas. Method and tools to design may include requirements analysis, use cases, scenarios, sketching, prototyping toolkits, and sequential storyboards. Method and tools to evaluate designs may include heuristic inspections, walkthroughs, usability testing, analytics, predictive models, and lean validation. More practical topics may include design thinking, UX strategy, UX ethic, agile and Lean UX, building a UX portfolio, and institutionalization of UX.

St. George
In Class