MMI1050H: Negotiations

You might be surprised to hear that you already negotiate every day — whether it's with employers, colleagues, classmates, or even your own family and friends. Haggling over prices, settling the terms of a business transaction, or figuring out who is responsible for which chores are all examples of negotiations, and all involve a delicate balance of give and take. You want to reach a resolution, but you usually also want to maintain a good relationship with your negotiation counterpart. Even though we negotiate all the time, most of us are unaware of the strategies and psychology that make negotiations effective.

This course will take you on an experiential journey of discovery into the theories and practices that will help you to become a better negotiator, to manage conflict more effectively, and to keep your emotions in check, even when the stakes are high. This course is like a power-up for all of the skills you'll learn in your other courses. For instance, analytical prowess is great for determining an optimal solution, but you need strong negotiation skills to see your solutions accepted and implemented. After all, a brilliant analysis is pointless if you can't get people on board with what you propose. This course is designed around hand-on learning experiences that will help you to develop both the analytical frameworks and the practical abilities necessary for effective and actionable negotiations.
