MUS1169H: Listening to Cities: Music, Sound, and Noise in Urban Environments

Cities are noisy, musical places, brimming with wanted and unwanted sounds. They are sites of coexistence and conflict where competition for literal and metaphorical space becomes audible. Musical genres and scenes are born in cities, and can die there as well as Even when the urban environment is not its focus, much contemporary music scholarship takes place in cities as field site and/or as locus of academic knowledge production. This graduate seminar explores the intersection of music, sound, noise and cities relevance through a selective survey of contemporary scholarship from ethnomusicology, sound studies, anthropology, sociology, cultural geography, and urban studies. Themes include theories of sound and space; music and the urban Global South; "multicultural" music in cities of the Global North; and music in economic, urban, and cultural policy.

St. George
In Class