CTL: Curriculum and Pedagogy MA, MEd, PhD Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please review the course schedule on the Registrar’s Office and Student Experience website.

Master's Level

Course CodeCourse Title
Foundations of Curriculum & Pedagogy /
Les fondements du curriculum et de la pédagogie
Values and Schooling
Language, Literacy, and the School Curriculum
Anti-Oppression Education in School Settings /
L’éducation pour l’anti-oppression en milieu scolaire
Cooperative Learning Research and Practice
Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry in Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning
Technology and Education: Critical Perspectives on Theory and Practice
Poststructuralism and Education
Performed Ethnography
Facilitating Reflective Professional Development
Language, Culture, and Identity: Using the Literary Text in Teacher Development
Thoughtful Teaching and Practitioner Inquiry
Teacher Development: Comparative and Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Research Methods In Education
Instrument Development in Education
Research Issues in Alternative Assessments
CTL1045HSurvey Research
Training Evaluation
Course Self-Assessment
Qualitative Methodology: Challenges and Innovations
CTL1049HCritical Practitioner Research in Education
Education and Social Development
Performed Ethnography and Research Informed Theatre
Pedagogies of Solidarity
Applied Theatre and Performance in Sites of Learning
Gender, Sexuality, and Schooling
Critical Approaches to Arts-Based Research
CTL1100HArts in Urban Schools
Play, Drama, and Arts Education
Spirituality in Education
The Holistic Curriculum
Liberatory Practices in Drama and Education
Gaining Confidence in Mathematics: A Holistic Approach to Rebuilding Math Knowledge and Overcoming Anxiety
Effective Teaching Strategies in Elementary Mathematics Education: Research and Practice
CTL1121HFoundations of Wellness Through a Phenomenology of Practice
CTL1122HExploring the Praxis of Environmental and Sustainability Education
Science in the School Curriculum
Mathematics in the School Curriculum: Elementary
Teaching and Learning Science
Teaching and Learning about Science: Issues and Strategies in Science, Technology, Society, and Environment (STSE) Education
Curriculum Issues in Science and Technology: An Historical Perspective
Current Issues in Science and Technology Education
Action Research in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education
Equity Issues in Science Education
Teaching and Learning About Science and Technology: Beyond Schools
Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology Curricula
Culture and Cognition in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
Making Secondary Mathematics Meaningful
Sociocultural Theories of Learning
Education for Human Goals Local and Global: How's Science Education Helping?
Environmental Studies in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education
CTL1224HCurriculum Issues in Science Education
CTL1225HMathematics Education: Linking Research and Practice
CTL1226HAI Ethics in Education
Cultural Studies and Education
Qualitative Research Methods in Education: Concepts and Methods /
La recherche qualitative en éducation: bases théoriques et pratiques
Identity Construction and Education of Minorities /
Identité collective et éducation minoritaire de langue française
Les stéréotypes sexuels dans les programmes scolaires
Democratic Citizenship Education: Comparative International Perspectives
Gender Equity in the Classroom
Global Education: Theory and Practice
Teaching Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Religious Education: Comparative and International Perspectives
CTL1320HIntroduction to Indigenous Land-centered Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
CTL1321HIndigenous Civilizations of Turtle Island: Language, Culture, and Identity
CTL1322HLiteracies of Land: Narrative, Storying, and Literature
CTL1325HCitizenship Education, Pedagogy, and School Communities
CTL1330HEducation and Peacebuilding in Conflict Zones: International Comparative Perspectives
CTL1331HLand‐Centred Approaches to Research and Community Engagement
CTL1332HIntroduction to Decolonization in Education
CTL1333HSettler Colonialism and Pedagogies of Liberation
CTL1334HIndigenous Maternal Pedagogies: Teaching for Reconciliation
CTL1350HExploring Children's and Youth's Digital Literacies in a Networked World
Classroom Adaptations and Instructional Strategies
Special Education and Social Representation of Difference
The Origins of Modern Schooling: Issues in the Development of the North American Educational System
Rural Education and Social Reform in Canadian History, 1860–1960
Religion, Ideology, and Social Movement in the Development of North American Education
The History of Gender and Education in Canada
Commemorating Canada, 1800s–1900s
Immigration and the Development of Canadian Education
Ethnicity and the Development of Canadian Education
Gendered Colonialisms, Imperialisms, and Nationalisms in History
Popular Culture and the Social History of Education II
The Battle Over History Education in Canada
Introduction to Computers in Education
Introduction to Knowledge Building
Video/Multimedia Design
Computers in the Curriculum
The Design of Online Environments: Theory and Practice
Perspectives on the Development of Computer-Mediated Communication in Education
Computer-Mediated Distance Education
The Virtual Library
CTL1615HIntroduction to AI in Education
CTL1616HBlended Learning: Issues and Applications
CTL1617HSocial Media and Education
CTL1620HFoundations of Online Teaching and Learning
CTL1621HDesign and Development of Online Content, Media, and Artifacts
CTL1622HData Gathering and Assessment in Online Courses
CTL1623HImmersive Technology in Education
CTL1624HInstructional Design: Beyond the Lecture
CTL1625HDigital Media and Practices for a Knowledge Society
Practicum in Curriculum & Pedagogy: Master's Level
Individual Reading and Research in Curriculum & Pedagogy: Master's Level
CTL5000HSpecial Topics in C&P: Master’s Level
CTL5001H to CTL5002HSpecial Topics in Curriculum: Master’s Level
CTL5010H to CTL5070HSpecial Topics in Curriculum: Master’s Level
CTL5700H to CTL5734HSpecial Topics in Teaching

Doctoral Level

Course CodeCourse Title
Curriculum Innovation in Teacher Education
Narrative and Story in Research and Professional Practice (RM)
Writing Research/Research Writing: Moving from Idea to Reality
Current Issues in Teacher Education
Arts in Education: Concepts, Contexts, and Frameworks
Urban School Research: Youth, Pedagogy, and the Arts
The Teacher as a Contemplative Practitioner
Research Seminar in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education
Seminar in Evaluation Problems
C&P Doctoral Proseminar in Curriculum & Pedagogy
Knowledge Media and Learning
Individual Reading and Research in Curriculum & Pedagogy: Doctoral Level
CTL1998YIndividual Reading and Research in Curriculum & Pedagogy: Doctoral Level
Special Topics in Curriculum: Doctoral Level