Cell and Systems Biology

Cell and Systems Biology: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation

Arts and Science

Degree Programs

Cell and Systems Biology

MSc and PhD

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:


Students undertaking graduate programs in the Department of Cell and Systems Biology pursue research related to fundamental mechanisms in the growth, development, and behaviour of organisms ranging from unicellular microbes to more complex organisms in the plant and animal kingdoms. Research projects extend from the molecular level to that of whole organisms interacting with each other and their environment.

Students enjoy state-of-the-art facilities and make use of cutting-edge approaches including functional genomics, genetics, metabolomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, computational biology, cell biology, developmental biology, molecular biology, and physiology.

Contact and Address

Web: csb.utoronto.ca
Email: grad.csb@utoronto.ca
Telephone: (416) 978-8879
Fax: (416) 978-8532

Department of Cell and Systems Biology
University of Toronto
Ramsay Wright Building
Room 424, 25 Harbord Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G5

Cell and Systems Biology: Graduate Faculty

Full Members

AbouHaidar, Mounir - DipdESup, BSc, PhD, CAP
Anreiter, Ina - BSc, MSc, PhD
Arruda Carvalho, Maithe - BSc, MSc, PhD
Berleth, Thomas - BSc, MSc, PhD
Bonin, Robert - BSc, PhD
Bruce, Ashley - BA, PhD
Buck, Leslie - BSc, PhD
Chang, Belinda - AB, PhD, CRC
Cheng, Mary - MSc, PhD
Christendat, Dinesh - PhD
Desveaux, Darrell - BSc, MSc, PhD
Edwards, Elizabeth - BEng, PhD
Ensminger, Ingo - PhD
Erclik, Teddy - BSc, PhD
Espie, George - PhD
Fernandez-Gonzalez, Rodrigo - BSc, PhD
Gan, Kathlyn - BSc, MSc, PhD
Gazzarrini, Sonia - BA, PhD
Gerlai, Robert - MSc, PhD
Gilbert, Penney - PhD
Gillis, Jesse - BSc, MSc, PhD
Godt, Dorothea - MS, DrRerNat
Goring, Daphne - PhD
Guttman, David - BS, PhD
Harris, Tony - BSc, PhD
Harrison, Rene - BS, MS, PhD
Holmes, Melissa - BA, MA, PhD
Ito Lee, Rutsuko - BA, PhD
Kanelis, Voula - PhD
Kim, Junchul - BSc, MSc, PhD
Koyama, Minoru - BA, MSc, PhD
Lange, Angela - BSc, PhD
Levine, Joel - BA, PhD
Lin, Qian - ScD
Liu, Baohua - BSc, MSc, PhD
Lovejoy, David - PhD
Lovejoy, Nathan Richard - BSc, MS, PhD
Lumba, Shelley - PhD
Martin, Loren - BSc, MSc, PhD
Mason, Andrew - MS, PhD
Master, Emma - BSc, PhD
McCourt, Peter - PhD
McFarlane, Heather - DSc
McGowan, Patrick - BSc, MA, PhD
McMillen, David - BSc, MS, PhD
Milstein, Josh - BS, PhD
Mitchell, Jennifer - DSc
Monks, Ashley - BSc, MA, PhD
Moses, Alan - BA, PhD
Nambara, Eiji - MS, PhD
Nash, Joanne - BS, MSc, PhD
Ness, Rob - BSc, PhD
Nguyen Ba, Alex - BSc, PhD
Orchard, Ian - BSc, PhD, DSc
Pan, Xue - BASc, MSA
Peever, John - MSc, PhD
Phillips, Michael - BSc, PhD
Plotnikov, Sergey - DSc
Provart, Nicholas - PhD (Chair and Graduate Chair)
Rajavasireddy, Satyaki - BCh, BCh, MC, MC, PhD
Reid, Stephen - BS, PhD
Resulaj, Arbora - BASc, PhD
Ringuette, Maurice - BSc, PhD
Rozeske, Robert Raymond - BA, MA, PhD
Saltzman, Arneet - BSc, PhD
Senatore, Adriano - BSc, MSc, PhD
Sokolowski, Marla - BSc, PhD, CRC
Stewart, Bryan - BSc, MS, DPhil
Takehara, Kaori - BSc, MSc, PhD
Tepass, Ulrich - MSc, PhD, FRSC
Terebiznik, Mauricio - BSc, PhD
Treanor, Bebhinn Lucy - BSc, PhD
Tropepe, Vince - BSc, PhD
Vanlerberghe, Greg - BSc, MSc, PhD
Welch Jr., Ken - BS, MA, PhD
Winklbauer, Rudolf - MSc, PhD
Woodin, Melanie - MSc, PhD
Yoshioka, Keiko - PhD
Zhao, Rongmin - BSc, PhD
Zhen, Mei - PhD
Zovkic, Iva - BA, MA, PhD

Members Emeriti

Coleman, John - BSc, PhD
Hasenkampf, Clare - BSc, MS, PhD
Riggs, Dan - BS, PhD
Varmuza, Susannah - BSc, MSc, PhD
Westwood, Tim - PhD

Associate Members

Ashok, Aarthi - BS, PhD
Fraigne, Jimmy - DPhil
Huang, Kai - PhD
Pressey, Jessica - PhD
Shafer, Maxwell - DChem
Subramaniam, Rajagopal - PhD
Wang, Pauline - DSc

Cell and Systems Biology: Cell and Systems Biology MSc

The MSc program in Cell and Systems Biology provides ideal training for career paths in education, business, and policy where science-based decision-making and the interpretation and transmission of scientific information are becoming increasingly important, particularly in many of the “knowledge-based” economies that are emerging the world over.

The MSc program trains scientists who are well suited to fill this demand. The program’s objective is to provide students with skills in the generation, critical evaluation, assessment, and communication of data so that they are equipped to proceed with further post-graduate degrees, or other career opportunities where such skills are desired.

Master of Science

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Cell and Systems Biology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree with high academic standing from a recognized university, with a B+ (or equivalent) average in the final year of the bachelor's program, and a mid-B overall average in the previous year of study.

Completion Requirements

  • Complete 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) from the following:

    • CSB1018H Advanced Microscopy and Imaging

    • CSB1020H Topics in Cell and Systems Biology

    • CSB1025H Methods in Genomics and Proteomics

    • CSB1472H Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics

    • CSB1482H Readings in Genome Biology and Bioinformatics.

  • Complete the CSB1010Y MSc Seminar Series (minimum 24 seminars per year).

  • Complete a thesis based on a research project.

  • Give a public presentation of thesis research and defend the thesis at an oral examination.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-F)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Cell and Systems Biology: Cell and Systems Biology PhD

The PhD program in Cell and Systems Biology trains scientists who will form part of the next generation of independent researchers in cell, molecular, and systems biology. Graduates will be the future high-level teachers, frontier expanders, and decision-makers in these fields of inquiry.

PhD graduates are expected to emerge from the program as independent and autonomous scientists, producing a written thesis that describes original research that stands as a testimony to their ability to generate publishable, stand-alone contributions to the peer-reviewed scientific literature. As part of their training, PhD students acquire skills in the communication of scientific research (including teaching skills), and acquire broad-based knowledge of the theory and practice underpinning their chosen field.

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of three routes: 1) following completion of an MSc degree; 2) transfer from the University of Toronto MSc program; or 3) direct entry following completion of an honours bachelor's degree.

PhD Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Cell and Systems Biology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Students will be admitted only when they have made arrangements to secure a research supervisor by contacting professors in the department.

  • Applicants may be accepted who already hold an MSc degree from a recognized university, with a grade average equivalent to at least a University of Toronto A– during the MSc.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must successfully complete:

    • 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) from the following:

      • CSB1018H Advanced Microscopy and Imaging

      • CSB1020H Topics in Cell and Systems Biology

      • CSB1025H Methods in Genomics and Proteomics

      • CSB1472H Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics

      • CSB1482H Readings in Genome Biology and Bioinformatics.

    • CSB1011Y PhD Seminar Series (minimum 24 seminars per year).

    • A PhD proposal, which involves three components:

      • preparation of a written research proposal

      • presentation to the department and questioning by the public

      • in-camera questioning by a PhD proposal examination committee immediately following the public presentation.

    • Their proposal examination between 13 and 20 months after the start date of enrolment in their graduate program.

  • Students must submit a thesis and defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination conducted by the School of Graduate Studies.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Transfer)

Transfer Requirements

  • Applicants may be accepted first into the University of Toronto MSc program and, conditional upon approval by the thesis supervisory committee, may transfer into the PhD program.

Completion Requirements

Students must:

  • Be in good academic standing at the end of Year 1.

  • Successfully complete 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) of approved graduate coursework. Those who transfer into the PhD program from the MSc may apply 0.5 graduate FCE towards the PhD course requirements.

  • Successfully complete CSB1011Y PhD Seminar Series (minimum 24 seminars per year).

  • Successfully complete a PhD transfer examination between 13 and 20 months after the start date of enrolment in their graduate program. The transfer examination involves three components:

    • preparation of a written research proposal

    • presentation to the department and questioning by the public

    • in-camera questioning by a PhD proposal examination committee immediately following the public presentation.

  • Deliver two public seminars in the department based on their thesis research.

  • Submit a thesis and defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination conducted by the School of Graduate Studies.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


PhD Program (Direct-Entry)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Cell and Systems Biology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants will be admitted only when they have made arrangements to secure a research supervisor by contacting professors in the department.

  • Exceptional applicants with a BSc degree may be accepted by direct entry into the PhD program, with a grade point average equivalent to a University of Toronto A– or better in the final year of the BSc. Direct-entry PhD candidates should also display evidence of research potential.

Completion Requirements

Students must:

  • Be in good academic standing at the end of Year 1.

  • Successfully complete 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) of approved graduate coursework.

  • Successfully complete CSB1011Y PhD Seminar Series (minimum 24 seminars per year).

  • Complete additional courses if their undergraduate preparation does not include the study of subjects deemed to be necessary for research in the chosen area. The courses will be chosen in consultation with the supervisory committee.

  • Successfully complete a PhD proposal, which involves three components:

    • preparation of a written research proposal

    • presentation to the department and questioning by the public

    • in-camera questioning by a PhD proposal examination committee immediately following the public presentation.

  • Students must successfully complete their proposal examination between 13 and 20 months after the start date of enrolment in their graduate program.

  • Deliver two public seminars in the department based on their thesis research.

  • Submit a thesis and defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination conducted by the School of Graduate Studies.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


Cell and Systems Biology: Cell and Systems Biology MSc, PhD Courses

Consult the graduate unit regarding course availability.

Course CodeCourse Title
MSc Seminar Series
PhD Seminar Series
Advanced Microscopy and Imaging
Topics in Cell and Systems Biology
Methods in Genomics and Proteomics
Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics
Readings in Genome Biology and Bioinformatics