
Psychology: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation

Arts and Science

Degree Programs


MA and PhD

Note: admissions to the MA program have been administratively suspended.

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:


Graduate training in Psychology stresses training in general experimental psychology. Areas of specialization include the following:

  • Behavioural Neuroscience
  • Perception, Cognition, and Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Developmental
  • Social and Personality.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 978-3404

Graduate Program, Department of Psychology
University of Toronto
Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street, Room 4034
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3

Psychology: Graduate Faculty

Full Members

Addis, Donna Rose - PhD
Alain, Claude - BA, MA, PhD
Andersen, Judith - BSc, MA, PhD
Anderson, Nicole - BA, MA, PhD
Armstrong, Blair - BASc, MA, PhD
Arruda Carvalho, Maithe - BSc, MSc, PhD
Bagby, Michael - BA, MA, PhD, PhD
Barense, Morgan - BA, PhD
Barnett, Alexander - BS, MA, PhD
Bernhardt-Walther, Dirk - BSc, MPH, PhD
Bloom, Paul - BA, PhD
Buchsbaum, Bradley - BSc, PhD
Buchsbaum, Daphna - AB, MA, MSc, PhD
Campos, Jennifer - BA, PhD
Cant, Jonathan - BA, MS, MedScD
Carlson, Erika Nicole - BS, MA, MA, PhD
Chambers, Craig - BA, MA, MA, PhD
Chasteen, Alison - BA, PhD
Cheung, Felix - AB, AM, PhD
Chung, Joanne Mee Hae - BA, BA, MA, PhD
Cohn, Melanie - BA, MA, PhD
Corbit, Laura - PhD
Cree, George Scott - BA, MA, PhD
Cunningham, William - BA, MA, MPH, MS, PhD
Cupchik, Gerald Chaim - BA, MA, PhD
der Nederlanden, Christina M. Vanden Bosch - BA, MA, PhD
Dion, Karen - BA, PhD
Duncan, Katherine - BS, PhD
Dunkley, Benjamin - BSc, PhD
Einstein, Gillian - AB, PhD
Erb, Suzanne - BSc, MA, PhD
Farb, Norman - BA, MA, PhD
Ferber, Susanne - MPsy, PhD
Finn, Amy - BA, PhD
Fletcher, Paul - BSc, DPhil
Ford, Brett Quaid - MA, PhD
Fournier, Marc - BA, PhD
Fukuda, Keisuke - BS, MS, PhD
Galea, Liisa - BSc, AM
Gerlai, Robert - MSc, PhD
Gilboa, Asaf - BA, MA, PhD
Haley, David - BA, MA, PhD
Helwig, Charles - BA, PhD
Herrmann, Bjorn - PhD
Holmes, Melissa - BA, MA, PhD
Hutcherson, Cendri Anne Claire - BA, PhD
Impett, Emily - BS, MS, PhD
Inbar, Yoel - PhD
Inzlicht, Michael - BSc, MSc, PhD
Ito Lee, Rutsuko - BA, PhD
Johnson, Elizabeth - BA, MA, PhD (Graduate Director)
Joordens, Steve - BA, MA, PhD
Josselyn, Sheena - MA, PhD
Kim, Junchul - BSc, MSc, PhD
Lee, Andy C.H. - BA, PhD
Lee, Spike - MS, PhD
Leonardelli, Geoffrey - BA, MA, PhD
Levine, Brian - BA, MA, PhD
Lockwood, Penelope - BA, MA, PhD
Mabbott, Donald - PhD
MacDonald, Geoff - BA, PhD
Mack, Meg Schlichting - BA, PhD
Mack, Michael - BCS, MSc, PhD
Malti, Tina - MA, MA, PhD, PhD
Martin, Loren - BSc, MSc, PhD
McAndrews, Mary Pat - BSc, MA, PhD
McIntosh, Anthony Randal - BSc, MSc, PhD
Meltzer, Jed - BSc, PhD
Monks, Ashley - BSc, MA, PhD
Moscovitch, Morris - BSc, MA, PhD, Dr. Max and Gianna Glassman Chair in Neuropsychology
Murphy, Kelly - BSc, MA, PhD
Neel, Rebecca - BA, MA, PhD
Nestor, Adrian - BPhil, MSc, ScD
Niemeier, Matthias - MA, PhD
Olsen, Rosanna - BS, PhD
Page-Gould, Elizabeth - BS, PhD, CRC (Graduate Chair)
Park, Jun Young - PhD
Plaks, Jason - BA, MA, MPH, PhD
Pratt, Jay - BA, MS, PhD
Ralph, Martin - BSc, PhD
Ronfard, Samuel - BA, MEd, MSc(T), EdD
Rozeske, Robert Raymond - BA, MA, PhD
Rule, Nicholas - AB, MS, PhD, CRC
Ruocco, Anthony Charles - BS, MSc, PhD
Ryan, Jennifer - BS, PhD
Schertz, Jessamyn Leigh - BA, MS, PhD
Schimmack, Ulrich - BA, MA, DPhil
Schmuckler, Mark - BA, PhD
Schneider, Bruce - BA, PhD
Sekuler, Allison - BA, PhD
Sommerville, Jessica - PhD
Stellar, Jennifer - BA, PhD
Tafarodi, Romin - BA, PhD
Takehara, Kaori - BSc, MSc, PhD
Taylor, Margot - BA, MA, PhD
Troyer, Angela - BA, MA, PhD
Uliaszek, Amanda Ann - BA, MA, PhD
VanderLaan, Doug - BA, MSc, PhD
Vartanian, Oshin - BSc, PhD
Wang, Andre - BA, MA, PhD
Welsh, Timothy - BPHE, MSc, PhD
Wolfe, Benjamin Arthur - BA, PhD
Wu, Yang - BS, PhD
Zakzanis, Konstantine - BA, MA, PhD
Zovkic, Iva - BA, MA, PhD

Members Emeriti

Craik, Fergus - BSc, PhD
Daneman, Meredyth - BA, MA, PhD
Freedman, Jonathan - AB, PhD
Lockhart, Robert - BA, MA, PhD
Pichora-Fuller, Margaret Kathleen - AB, MS, DPhil
Schellenberg, Glenn - BSc, PhD
Smith, Marylou - BSc, MSc, PhD
Trehub, Sandra - BComm, MA, PhD

Associate Members

Ganapathy-Coleman, Hemalatha - BSc, MSc, MSc, PhD, PhD
Ryan, William - BA, PhD, PhD

Psychology: Psychology MA

The Master of Arts (MA) program is designed to provide students with rigorous scientific training in experimental psychology. The program is one year in duration, during which time students obtain instruction in statistics and research design, and carry out a research project that culminates in a written thesis and oral examination. Students admitted to the MA program are expected to continue to the PhD program.

MA Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Psychology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university with a minimum A– average (or first-class standing) in the last two undergraduate years, and the equivalent of 6.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in psychology including statistics and adequate research performance.

  • It is assumed that all students entering the MA program intend to continue in the PhD program.

Completion Requirements

  • Courses and individual research training leading to a thesis.

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 2.0 FCEs as follows:

    • PSY1000H Directed Studies

    • PSY2001H Statistics I

    • two half-course Psychology electives (1.0 FCE total)

  • MA thesis.

It is expected that following the MA year, students will proceed to the PhD program. To be eligible for admission, adequate research performance and at least an A– average are required.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Psychology: Psychology PhD

The principal aim of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program is to equip students with the skills to carry out advanced research within experimental psychology, and to become independent research scientists. Students work closely with a faculty adviser to develop and conduct a specialized (often multidisciplinary) program of research that ultimately culminates in a written dissertation and final oral examination. Through additional coursework and research opportunities, students gain breadth in their knowledge base and skill set in experimental psychology. The program is designed to prepare students for careers in academia, or a variety of non-academic careers where rigorous and in-depth research training is required.

PhD Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Psychology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Appropriate University of Toronto master's degree, or its equivalent from a recognized university, with a minimum A– average and adequate research performance.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 0.5 FCE: an advanced statistics course chosen from a list provided by the department (typically PSY2002H Statistics II, taken in Year 1).

    • PSY3000H External Research Project, a research project course supervised by a faculty member other than the student's PhD supervisor, completed during Years 1 and 2.

    • PSY3001H Professional Psychology, taken in two modules in Years 1 and 3.

    • 1.0 FCE in Psychology course electives. Of this requirement, 0.5 FCE can be achieved through two 0.25 FCE Psychology module electives (PSY3100H Psychological Science Skills).

    • PSY4000H Doctoral Research Project, thesis proposal, and oral exam (examination in the student's area of research).

  • PhD thesis.

  • Students may take other courses, but it is expected that the requirements will be completed in the first two years of the PhD program. Students admitted with a master's degree from another university will normally be required to fulfil the PhD course requirements; however, exemptions may be granted by the Graduate Director of the Department of Psychology.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Direct-Entry)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Psychology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Appropriate University of Toronto bachelor's degree, or its equivalent from a recognized university, with a minimum A– average and adequate research performance.

  • Applicants with a master's degree in Psychology or a cognate discipline will likely be admitted to the four-year PhD program, whereas students with a master’s degree in an unrelated discipline will be admitted to the direct-entry PhD option. Such admission decisions will be made by the Graduate Director.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • PSY1100H Foundational Research Project, a research project course supervised by the student's supervisor plus two other faculty members, completed during Years 1 and 2.

    • PSY2001H Statistics I, taken in Year 1.

    • 0.5 FCE: an advanced statistics course chosen from a list provided by the department (typically PSY2002H Statistics II, taken in Year 1).

    • PSY3000H External Research Project, a research project course supervised by a faculty member other than the student's PhD supervisor, completed during Years 2 and 3.

    • PSY3001H Professional Psychology, taken in two modules in Years 1 and 3.

    • 2.0 FCEs in Psychology course electives. Of this requirement, 0.5 FCE can be achieved through two 0.25 FCE Psychology module electives (PSY3100H Psychological Science Skills).

    • PSY4000H Doctoral Research Project, thesis proposal, and oral exam (examination in the student's area of research).

  • PhD thesis.

  • Students may take other courses, but it is expected that the requirements will be completed in the first three years of the PhD program. Students admitted with a master's degree from another university will normally be required to fulfil the PhD course requirements; however, exemptions may be granted by the Graduate Director of the Department of Psychology.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


Psychology: Psychology MA, PhD Courses

Not all courses are offered each year. See the current offerings.

MA and PhD Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Directed Studies
PSY1100HFoundational Research Project
Selected Topics in Psychology
Selected Topics in Psychology
Conceptual Bases of Psychology
Statistics I
Statistics II
External Research Project
Professional Psychology
PSY3100HPsychological Science Skills
Doctoral Research Project

Behavioural Neuroscience Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Mechanisms of Behaviour
Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience I
Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience II
Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience III
Advanced Topics in Animal Behaviour and Motivation II
Advanced Topics in Neuropsychology I

Developmental Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
PSY5303HCognitive Development
PSY5304HLanguage Development
PSY5305HSocial Development
PSY5310HAdvanced Topics in Development I
PSY5311HAdvanced Topics in Development II

Perception/Cognition/Cognitive Neuroscience Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Higher Cognition
Advanced Topics in Perception I
Advanced Topics in Perception II
Advanced Topics in Perception III
Advanced Topics in Cognition I
Advanced Topics in Cognition II
Advanced Topics in Cognition III

Social and Personality Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Social Cognition
Advanced Topics in Abnormal I
Advanced Topics in Abnormal II
Advanced Topics in Personality I
Advanced Topics in Personality II
Advanced Topics in Social Psychology I
Advanced Topics in Social Psychology II
Advanced Topics in Social Psychology III
Advanced Topics in Social Psychology IV

Cross-Listed Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
JLP2451HLanguage Acquisition
JLP2452HLanguage Acquisition and Linguistic Theory
Fundamentals of Neuroscience: Systems and Behaviour
Parenting: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
PCL3100HBehavioural Pharmacology I
PCL3101HBehavioural Pharmacology II