Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies: Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies MA, PhD Courses

Not all courses listed will be offered every year. Registrants are advised to confirm course offerings by consulting the Centre's website, updated periodically through mid-summer, and by communicating with the Associate Director.

Core Program

Course CodeCourse Title
History and Historiography in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies
Graduate Laboratory in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies
Introduction to Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies
MA Thesis
DRA1005HResearch and Creative Praxis
Sources and Concepts in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies I
Sources and Concepts in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies II
Modelling New Scholarship in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies
Teaching and Learning in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies
Topics in Theatre, Drama, and Performance
Topics in Theatre, Drama, and Performance
Topics in Theatre, Drama, and Performance
Topics in Theatre, Drama, and Performance
Topics in Theatre, Drama, and Performance
Topics in Theatre, Drama, and Performance
Topics in Theatre, Drama, and Performance
Topics in Theatre, Drama, and Performance
Studies in Canadian Drama and Theatre
Directed Reading/Theatre Research
Directed Reading/Theatre Research
Directed Reading
Directed Reading
Research Development in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies (Credit/No Credit)

Cross-Listed Courses

The Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies also cross-lists courses offered by other graduate units of the University of Toronto. A listing of approved courses, available during the academic year, appears on the Centre's website, which is updated in mid-summer. Students requesting courses from other units may be subjected to quotas and/or wait lists. Language and literature departments do not always provide courses in English translation. Confirm all course information — including date, time, location — with the appropriate unit as well as with the centre's Graduate Administrator.