Educational Policy: Master's Level

Admissions to this collaborative specialization have been administratively suspended.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must apply to and be accepted by both their home program and the Collaborative Specialization in Educational Policy.

  • In addition to corresponding to all home program requirements, the applicant shall submit a sample of writing, no longer than three pages, that includes:

    • Relevant personal and/or professional experiences, a career plan, and motivation in seeking admission to the Collaborative Specialization in Educational Policy.

    • An indication of specific courses of interest.

    • For thesis students, a brief outline of a proposed research project.

    • For thesis students, indication of preference of supervisor.

  • Applicants who are interested in applying to the collaborative specialization at the time of their initial application to their home graduate program should indicate this on their application and advise referees that letters of support will be used in application for both the home program and the collaborative specialization.

  • Students who develop an interest in admission to the collaborative specialization after they have been admitted to their home program may also apply during their course of study. Please direct inquiries to the address listed above.

Completion Requirements

  • All master's students in the collaborative specialization:

    • Take the core half course EDP3045H Educational Policy Analysis.

    • Attend the Collaborative Specialization in Educational Policy Seminar Series over two consecutive sessions. Collaborative Educational Policy Seminars occur once a month; attendance is required.

    • Are encouraged, but not required, to enrol in an elective half course in the area of educational policy selected from the list of electives below.

    • Take the remaining courses for the fulfillment of the degree requirements of the home program.

    • Enrolled in home programs requiring a master's research project or thesis will be required to incorporate educational policy issues in their research; a member of the collaborative specialization core faculty will serve as supervisor or committee member.

  • MEd program:

    • The total number of courses required for graduation will equal 6, 8, or 10.

    • Course-only MEd students must take two electives from the list below.

  • MA program:

    • The total number of courses required for graduation will equal 6 or 8.