English: English MA, PhD Courses

The following list of possible courses is subject to revision; further information, including course descriptions and timetables, are posted on the Department of English website and may be obtained from the department before enrolment. Courses offered by the department vary considerably from year to year. Students in English are eligible to take courses in other graduate units (for example, Comparative Literature, Medieval Studies, Drama, Information, South Asian Studies, Women's Studies). From time to time, the department also offers programs of directed reading in special fields. These reading courses are normally available only to students in the PhD program. With the special approval of the Director of Graduate Studies, PhD students may substitute one such course for one (and not more than one) of the required courses.

Course CodeCourse Title
Old English I
Introduction to Old English II: Beowulf
ENG1006HYork’s Plays and Records
ENG1012HWriting the Self in Late-Medieval England: Hoccleve and Kempe
ENG1100HTopics in Canadian Literature
ENG1101HTopics in Canadian Literature
ENG1102HTopics in Canadian Literature
ENG1200HTopics in African Canadian Literature
ENG1300HTopics in Asian Canadian Literature
The Canterbury Tales
ENG1582HPiers Plowman
ENG2012HLife-Writing in Early Modern England
ENG2017HEarly Modern Asexualities
ENG2100HTopics in American Literature
ENG2200HTopics in African American Literature
Early Modern Manuscripts
ENG2300HTopics in Asian American Literature
ENG2486HEarly Modern Theater Theories
ENG2499HShakespeare's Tragedies
ENG2506HShakespeare’s Theatrical (After) Lives
ENG2509HShakespeare and the Book
ENG3045HThe Comic Novel from Fielding to Austen
ENG3100HTopics in Indigenous Literature
ENG3302HBeing There: Liveness and Presence ca. 1750–1830
ENG3338HSatire and the Great Laughter Debate
ENG3707HLiterature and Censorship, 1640–1860
ENG4100HTopics in Diasporic, Postcolonial, and Transnational Literature
ENG4101HTopics in Diasporic, Postcolonial, and Transnational Literature
ENG4200HTopics in Caribbean Literature in English
ENG4211HRomanticism and Translation
Early Nineteenth-Century Environmental Literature
ENG4300HTopics in African Literature in English
ENG4400HTopics in South Asian Literature in English
ENG4404HVictorian Memory/Victorian Forgetting
ENG4405HGenres of the Victorian Novel
Victorian Fiction and the Fragility of the Social
Romantic Memory
Romantic Pastoral Revisited
Empire of Steam: Romanticism, Technology, and Modernity
ENG4770HAesthetics and Ethics: the Late Victorians
Marx and the American Renaissance
ENG5021HBlack Forms: Critical Race Theory and Diasporic Literature
ENG5042HJustice and Form in Contemporary Canadian Ecopoetry
ENG5047HClass, Culture, and American Realism
ENG5078HPostcolonial Ecocriticism
ENG5080HAssembling the Afro-Métis Syllabus
ENG5088HKind of Like: Difference, Similarity, Comparison
ENG5100HTopics in Medieval Literature
ENG5101HTopics in Medieval Literature
ENG5102HThe Problem of Elsewhere
ENG5115HThe Satanic Verses and the Public Life of Books
ENG5200HTopics in Early Modern Literature
ENG5201HTopics in Early Modern Literature
ENG5202HTopics in Early Modern Literature
ENG5203HTopics in Early Modern Literature
ENG5204HTopics in Early Modern Literature
ENG5300HTopics in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
ENG5400HTopics in Romantic and Victorian Literature
ENG5401HTopics in Romantic and Victorian Literature
ENG5500HTopics in Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature
ENG5501HTopics in Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature
ENG5502HTopics in Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature
ENG5503HTopics in Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature
American Pastoral
ENG5712HCinema of Refusal: Inuit Modernity and Visual Sovereignty
ENG5802HGlobal Protest Cultures
James Joyce: Modernism, Modernity, Mythology
ENG6014HAdapting Short Fiction
ENG6015HExperimental Narrative and/as Narrative Theory
ENG6064HThe Theory of the Novel
ENG6100HTopics in Genre and Form
Writing a Journal Article
ENG6182HEating Well
ENG6188HLand, Myth, and Translation in a Time of Crisis
History and Structure of the English Language: Post-1500
Diasporic Englishes
ENG6492HSpeaking of What’s Next: Climate and Dystopia in Near Future Fiction
Psychogeography and the Mapping of Literary Space
Dystopian Fiction and Unsettled Space
Creative Nonfiction
ENG6519HPostcolonial Theory and the World Literature Debates
ENG6532HWriting More-than-Human Lives
ENG6544HQueer, Trans, and Feminist Historiographies
Law and Literature
Social Robots in the Cultural Imagination
ENG6820HThe Novel of Sexual Ideas
Workshop in Creative Writing
ENG6960HAdvanced Creative Writing Workshop
Critical Topographies: Theory and Practice of Contemporary Literary Studies in English
ENG7000YSpecial Reading Course
ENG7100HTopics in Interdisciplinary Methods
ENG7101HTopics in Interdisciplinary Methods
ENG7102HTopics in Interdisciplinary Methods
ENG7103HTopics in Interdisciplinary Methods
ENG7104HTopics in Interdisciplinary Methods
ENG7105HTopics in Interdisciplinary Methods
ENG8100HTopics in Digital Literature
ENG9100HTopics in Theory
ENG9101HTopics in Theory
ENG9102HTopics in Theory
ENG9400HEssential Skills Workshop Series
Professional Development
Teaching Literature
JLE5220HTricksters and Confidence Men
The Passage from History to Fiction