Genome Biology and Bioinformatics: Doctoral Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants who wish to enrol in the collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units. Since this is a doctoral-level course of study, students must be registered in the doctoral program of one of the host graduate units and must be undertaking research with a significant genome biology and/or bioinformatics component under the supervision of a member of the collaborative specialization.

Completion Requirements

  • Complete a PhD thesis in the area of the collaborative specialization, and any core courses as required by the student's host graduate unit.

  • Complete the seminar series in Genome Biology and Bioinformatics (GBB1001H). Students will be required to present and discuss their research projects in this seminar series.

  • Participate in collaborative traineeships in which an aggregate time of two to four months is spent in a collaborating laboratory, thematically working on an aspect of the thesis project but with a complementary method. The goal of the collaborative traineeship is ideally a joint publication between the two member labs.