Minimum Admission Requirements
Applicants must meet the admission requirements of both the home graduate program in which they are registered as well as the collaborative specialization.
Applicants must be admitted to a doctoral program in one of the collaborating home graduate units before they may apply to the Collaborative Specialization in Global Health (U of T Global Scholar).
Applicants should have professional, academic, or volunteer experience in global health.
Completion Requirements
Meet all the degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies, the home graduate unit, and the Collaborative Specialization in Global Health (U of T Global Scholar).
Students must successfully complete:
The global health research seminar series CHL5701H Doctoral Seminar, Collaborative Specialization in Global Health over two academic sessions. Students must attend all seminars offered during the two sessions.
One of the following courses:
0.5 FCE: CHL5702H History of International Health, CHL5704H International Human Rights Law and Global Health: The Right to Health in Theory and Practice, NUR1038H Social Determinants of Health in a Global Context, NUR1083H Comparative Politics of Health and Health Policy in a Globalizing World, or
1.0 FCE: JCR1000Y An Interdisciplinary Approach to Addressing Global Challenges.
One elective (0.5 FCE) from outside the home graduate unit, selected in consultation with the collaborative specialization director.
A thesis on an issue related to global health, to be approved by both the home unit and the Collaborative Specialization in Global Health Director (U of T Global Scholar).